What is the FBI chain of command RR had POTUS and Sessions sign? Next is in Texas after #3 took a job at Walmart I think.
No wonder a lot didn’t come to light earlier!
What is the FBI chain of command RR had POTUS and Sessions sign? Next is in Texas after #3 took a job at Walmart I think.
No wonder a lot didn’t come to light earlier!
Convicted pedo and Mueller witness, George Nader flees US.
http:// thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/report-robert-muellers-shadowy-witness-flees-the-country-after-hes-exposed-as-convicted-child-molester/
Whi knows where the bodies are buried? I’d say Erik Prince.
They’re getting ready to try a pension bailout siphon.
This bill funds 200 (the insurance pensions are tied to, like FDIC of pensions).