Did part four of long poster come out? This guy?
What about the jews that don't call themselves jews? But are jews. You know the ones that are despicable people that are everywhere in this super secret nazi conspiracy? What about them?
Back to basics.
Get our shit together
What exactly?
I'll answer for you. You suck and don't know half the shit us anons know. The proof is you wouldn't have a fucking job at Fox News if you did know.
Hmm. Skull. Bones. Jewish star of Solomon/David.
Definitely a super secret nazi conspiracy to flood white countries with non whites that jews rule.
Makes SOOO much sense.
If you remove all jews and blacks from Fox and reported specifically from a pro white perspective this entire fucking scenario would be fixed by Trump's re-election campaign.
But he won't because Jews.
He knows it too.
Fuck him with his bullshit concernfagging.
Is Q trying to go mainstream?
Jesus Christ you are so far off it is troubling.
The jews at (((CC))) are using a trial balloon on their lowest rated faggot fest to gauge how effective they can be at neutralizing the Q drops and GOYIM interest in them.
We have a population of over 300 + million.
That faggot fest has an audience of 300 thousand. That means out of every thousand peopleโฆOne knows who these faggot are.
After these CIA faggots and (((CC))) look over the effectiveness or lack of effectivenessโฆThey will regroup and try their "primary weapons" like that kike brit Oliver and that mutant Trevor Noah.
Was there a part four?
Oh great. An END TIMES cultist. You don't belong here.
They will pay dearly for it?
Presumably in the after life right?
Meanwhile here on EARTH they are a very big problem to any future you might want for your "christian zionist" children and their children.
He is lying! He just looks like a jew and has a jewish name and acts like a jew! How can you be so blind? We must pray to save his soul!