The left always finds a way to fuck with the country, don't they, they always find some way to either limit or harm the citizens despite the majority not wanting their ridiculous narratives leaving them to depend on non Americans to push their agendas.
Here we fucking go again with a DNC ploy approved by a federal judge:
"A federal court in Utah ruled Thursday that people born in American Samoa are U.S. citizens under the Constitution." (In other words - A new location for anchor babies to be born)
If you are new to this issue, there is something brought up by Gohmert about a decade ago called "terror babies" where he brought to the attention of the public that countries are using our laws as a means to sneak pregnant women into the country right before birth, have birth, have the US pay for it, the kid auto becomes a citizen, then the mother and a fraud Father immediately file/are accepted for US citizenship due to the care of the newly frauded American citizen baby.
Back when Gohmert first brought it up he was ridiculed, laughed at, and attacked and yet everything he said was right. This is how the left circumvents the systems and creates massive voter rolls in areas. They bring them in to have birth right at the midnight hour and then bring the entire family in based on that one fraud birth. China does this constantly. Now they have a new easy access area to do it - American Samoa. And in the case you are wondering who approved this, it is of course a judge put into play by one of the clowns - this time is was Bush's appointee - Clark Waddoups who is from, of course, connected to CA and worked at a firm (O'Melveny & Myers) that has such a shitass reputation that it was even mocked in the Sopranos episode as being the firm who defended Junior (Soprano fans will know who I mean)