The battle of good vs evil is happening right in front of us.
People better wake up real quick.
The impeachment was announced on halloween
Observers noticed cuts on several witnesses hands which could be indicitave of some kind of blood ritual.
The vote on the article to be included happened on Friday the 13th (a day
The house will happen next week, Satranalia begins on the 17th
12/17-12/22 Saturnalia
12/24 Christmas Eve/ Satanic Demons Revels/Da Meur/Grand High Climax rituals 5/include receiving body parts as Christmas gifts
Notes from:
A. The highest ritual holiday is the member's birthday. It usually involves
the member or a victim of the member's choice and someone in
authority, usually the coven's leader.
B. The first and third of every month. Put 1 and 3 together and it makes 13,
though ritual/worship can occur at anytime, frequently coinciding with
times of stress.
C. All Friday the 13th's are high satanic days.
D. All full-moon nights provide reason for major occult activity (easiest to
move around without difficulty and without being detected).
E. Holy week (Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday). Some group are thought to
sacrifice, cook and eat a human baby on Easter Sunday.
Our prayers are more important now then ever in order to fight this battle that is being waged upon us.
The good news is that God overcomes all of this evil.