This is a test
God wins.
Ciaramella is maybe misspelled?
That reminds me of how Slick Willy was clutching his hands and bouncing up and down on election night, when Hillarion was initially in the lead.
She is pretty
Same to you Anon! Thank you!
I don't think the headlines are waking them up, but when the indictments are announced, everyone will snap to attention.
I have chime in here.
Nation Guard twatted first
Then USMC twatted a response.
Dude twatted WWG1WGA before
National Guard could respond back to USMC
Therefore It seems National Guard was simply responding to USMC but dude got in the middle.
Check the time stamps.
I'm not twatter expert either, it's only my opinion anon, i was looking at the timestamps
oh pleaz you [DS] shill. tic toc chek yo self
That is an odd statement to be combined with that picture of her as kid and Clooney as a man. Now I'm really thinking about the Obama boat ride with Clooney
Probably some kid on facebook. Poor kid. Now he is memed as a bitch.