Every one of the criminals in VA who are threatening to bring out NG to confiscate weapons, is an out and out traitor. Moreover, they are proud of their treason. These people are evil and insane, and must face consequences for their vile acts—their announced attempt to overthrow the Constitution. They must face the most serious of personal consequences for this drive to foment civil war. This after their treasonous gerrymandering of voting districts to create a situation where the minority can rule the majority. We have seen day by day, ad infinitum, the literal insanity of such losers. Likely they tell themselves that they will win, against all evidence. Their fallback plan is probably to flee to China or some other hell hole if (when) they lose. It is inevitably coming to a head.
>>7502996 There he is—dear ol' Jer. The repulsive hog pretending to be important, while his keeper sits next to him at the faux impeachment hearing, telling him when to bang the gavel. How does it feel, Nadless, to be stuck in that broken, disgusting flesh, the inevitable outcome of what you are, which is clearly an entity who does not believe in delayed gratification. Yeah, that's it, Jer…choke down 3 pounds of various crud at each sitting, because, "Me needs it, muh feelz."
>>7503563 All true, can be summed up by saying that these people are lawless, both physically & spiritually. They seek to impose this satanic jungle on all others, in every way. There has never been a moment in our lives where this was not true. Now built to a crescendo, a time of reckoning, when either law will be the framework of our existence, or lawlessness will destroy the planet.