First, let’s examine the May 23rd letter by Rood. It includes 12 pages of tables specifically referencing each particular purchase to be made with the second $125 million. The tables indicate that DSCA will be the “component” contracting the money. (You can read the full letter and tables here.) I want to draw your attention now to the text:
“On behalf of the Secretary of Defense, and in coordination with the Secretary of State, I have certified that the Government of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms for the purposes of decreasing corruption…Furthermore, now that this defense institutional reform has occurred, we will…support programs in Ukraine further. Implementation of this further support will begin no sooner than 15 days following this notification…
“Pursuant to Section 9013 of the Department of Defense (DoD) Appropriations Act, 2019… we are notifying the committees of this obligation.”
So again, the certification is required by the NDAA, but there is no statutory requirement to notify Congress of the certification. Sec. 9013 of the DoD appropriations act does, however, require Congress to be notified fifteen days before obligating the money. So, fifteen days after Congress cleared this notification, the money was transferred to DSCA to implement “this obligation”. You see that, folks? This is an obligation letter. It’s notifying Congress of the legal obligation that will go into effect pertaining to the twelve pages of tables attached thereto.
The Operation Commander’s Handbook (pg. B-7) verifies the approval and notification process pertaining to contingency operation funding (USAI is an overseas contingency operation according to statute):
“2. The request is reviewed to ensure requirements are consistent wit these guidelines and military objectives in contingency operations and that the request includes sufficient justification to enable approval by the SecDef. The DSCA will develop the approval package and forward to the OUSD (Comptroller) for coordination and signature.
“3. Upon approval by the SecDef and after completion of the 15-day congressional notification period, the OUSD (Comptroller) will release funds to the DSCA to enable implementation of the pseudo case.”
So, all of the $250 million in USAI, and all of the $115 million in FMF were fully obligated by mid-June 2019. Schiff’s impeachment fantasy is a complete fraud. Trump never held this money back from Ukraine. In fact, he increased it from $365 million to $391.5 million. Because he did not commit immediately to the increase, Schiff (and others we need to weed out) somehow twisted the facts to make it appear as if Trump held back the Congressional Notification in a bid to deny Ukraine all of the money. Incredible. Yes. Schiff got away with it up until now.
Additionally, the apportionment letters, referred to as “Majority Exhibits” in the deposition testimony of Mark Sandy and others were mis-classified as “holds”. Schiff has been allowed to control the language. Apportionments are plans to spend, not hold or cancel. And these apportionment letters are restricted to USAI funds that were apportioned but not obligated…at the time of the letter.
So, all of the $250 million was appropriated and obligated no later than mid-June. But some of that money will always be returned from DSCA after they close cases, and refunds occur. This is because – as the May 23rd letter points out (read it) – the tables depend on estimates, and they always estimate up so that they do not over-obligate, which is a violation of law.
Inevitably, when DSCA liquidates obligations, they make better deals than the estimate, and the extra money comes back. Also, not every pseudo-case becomes liquidated, and if not, that money also comes back. This refunded money was apportioned, obligated, refunded, and then de-obligated. This is the only money that was “held” during reapportionment. And this is done year in and year out. There is nothing nefarious about it.
The testimony of Mark Sandy makes it clear that the USAI apportionment holds came to a screeching hold on August 12th, and that there was no hold between August 12th and August 20th. So why does the GOP keep agreeing there was a 55 day hold? Stop saying that. Wake up.