Anonymous ID: 4d306f Dec. 14, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.7508630   🗄️.is 🔗kun


GFYS, Grassley.

" Selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs, are synthetic drugs designed to mimic controlled substances.."


This is a false statement, for 1.


  1. The War on Drugs has FAILED. You think if we make the holes in the net smaller, ensnaring mmore users of HARMLESS compounds, turning countless thousands MORE people into felons that it will work THIS TIME?


People that want to try to somewhat reverse the endocrine damage of decades from sabotage (phyto/xeno estrogens, endocrine disruptors) are not CRIMINALS, and most certainly are not FELONS, they are simply men looking to exercise their freedom.


What is most insidious here is thinking that Senators like Grassley are one of the good guys, when it looks like he wants what the Cabal wants - CONTROL. Having faggy, unmasculine jelly belly pussies, unfit to serve their countries even "men" in their teens and 20s, with tanked hormone levels makes for a passive, easily controlled populace.


What's he really trying to accomplish here?


In 1993, or therabouts, when the Congress added steroids to Schedule 3, they did so over the strenuous objections of both the AMA and the DEA - who should have been overjoyed the the prospect of more power/funding. Instead, they rejected this power because ,in a rare moment of honesty, these compounds 1) absolutely did NOT FIT the criteria for Schedule 3, and 2) have very little risk for harm harm, no addiction or Intoxication.


FELONIES? We're supposed to be going the OTHER way, and instead Grassley wants to create even more felons.


Well, overwhelmingly in the fitness and anti-aging communities these people lean, if not straight Conservative, the Libertarian leaning Conservative.


That's brilliant….when we are trying to bring people together to Unite after the Great Awakening and coming potential chaos as the D Party is exposed, let's go and and smash a NEW fissure that will crack open and grow.


This is why Straight GOP is rejected…because they have the same addiction, not to protecting victims (there are non here), to POWER and CONTROL.