Anonymous ID: 971f65 Dec. 14, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.7508923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8934

The FBI was literally created by the Roman Catholic Imperial House of Bonaparte with Charles Bonaparte a direct relative of the war criminal and tyrant Napoleon Bonaparte. The Bonapartes married with the Black Nobility and Italian royals including the Borgheses, Bourbon-Two Sicilies, and Gabriellis. The Black Nobility and Italian royals own Cosa Nostra which structure themselves off nobility with titles of dons and mafia families claim to descend from Sicilian nobles and royals. Liborio Bellomo is a top Genovese crime boss and the Bellomos were a Sicilian nobility. The Bonapartes also married with the Gotti family of Italy. The Gottis of the Gambino crime syndicate are owned by the Massimo family of Rome which are married with the Gabrielli family and the Gabriellis married with the Bonapartes. When the Bonapartes took invaded Italy they were operating as a proxy for the Black Nobility and helping them seize more power and take out their rivals and enemies which is why they married with them. The FBI also created COINTELPRO which is a criminal operation involved in infiltrating and hijacking various political group and that includes Infowars and many alternative media channels as well as the hacking group Anonymous which wear Guy Fawkes masks. Guy Fawkes was a Jesuit and Anonymous call themselves Legion just as Roman military units were called Legions. Alex Jones former father in law is Edmund Lowe Nichols who worked at the US embassy in Rome and was knighted by the Italian president. Alex Jones is an FBI COINTELPRO agent operating under the FBI's Project Megiddo which was a report about apocalyptic cults and militias and their response to Y2K. Alex Jones did a live video broadcast on Y2K claiming that the Russians were attacking, nuclear plants were being shut down, and basically claimed that society was collapsing. Former FBI Director Louis Freeh wrote Project Megiddo and is a devout Roman Catholic and US-Italian dual citizen. The current FBI Director Chris Wray is from the Wray noble bloodline in the United Kingdom and was educated at Yale a college created by the British Crown through a royal charter. Prince Jean Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte is the current head of the House of Bonaparte and he is an international investment banker who has worked in London and went to Harvard a college also created by a British Crown royal charter. The Massimo family which are the primary owners of most mafias have established their Massimo of Roccasecca branch in London and they are friends with British royals and nobles. Prince Valerio can be seen with Prince Freddy Windsor and is a business associate of Edward Spencer-Churchill a relative of Prince William and Prince Harry whose mother was Diana Spencer. Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio can be seen with Princess Amelia Windsor. The Vatican and British Crown work together. The Massimos produced 2 Popes for the Vatican and held various management positions at the Vatican for centuries. The FBI refuses to admit that John Gotti Jr is still an active boss the Gambinos. The FBI downplays the Italian Mafia. They also ignore Thomas Gambino Sr, and his sons Carlo Gambino and Thomas Gambino Jr. who owns Dynamic Worldwide an international warehouse and distribution company headquartered in Florida. Dynamic Worldwide traffics drugs, weapons, and humans and has operations in Asia and an operation next to the Mexican border. Thomas Gambino Sr is married to Frances Lucchese the daughter of the deceased Lucchese mafia boss. The Massimo family are married with the Lucchesi-Palli noble family of Italy and Austria and the Massimos and Lucchesis own the Lucchese crime family. The Russian Mafia in New York pay the Luccheses tributes. The FBI also ignores that the Fertitta family are a crime family. The Fertittas married with the Galveston crime family and today are worth about 9 billion and Tilman Fertitta owns the Houston Rockets and Landry's a restaurant and casino company. Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta own Red Rock Resorts and Stations Casinos headquartered in Las Vegas and the mafia use casinos to launder thier criminal profits and the FBI ignores this as well. The Fertittas owned the UFC and used it for recruting mafia enforcers. They still have some shares in the UFC today. The majority of the NFL and NBA teams are owned by Italian or Jewish white collar billionaire criminals who rig games for mafia bets and the mafia makes billions per year off rigging the NFL and NBA. For the FBI to claim to be federal investigators and completely ignore all of this is entirely criminal.
