Anonymous ID: 406904 Dec. 14, 2019, 7:54 p.m. No.7510496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

• 2016 Donald Trump elected in a populist referendum

• 2017 Alternative for Germany becomes Germany's largest opposition party

• 2018 Nationalist parties garner more than 25% of the vote in Switzerland, Austria and Hungary

• 2018 Matteo Salvini closes Italian ports to immigrants

• 2018 A list of 42 demands initiates the French Yellow Vest riots that continue today

• 2019 Jair Bolsonaro is sworn in as the President of Brazil

• 2019 Bolivian President Evo Morales has resigned after nearly 14 years in power

• 2019 Hong Kong riots erupt due to an extradition law to mainland China

• 2019 Residents of Huazhou city in mainland China's Guangdong province riot, in a manner similar to the Hong Kong riots

• 2019 Boris Johnson's Tory party wins convincingly primarily campaigning on the issue of Brexit


These signs of rising nationalism and patriotism are not isolated by appear to be spontaneously igniting globally, and the pace appears to be accelerating. How do we trace the cause and effect for these changes?

The hypothesis that these global events are random is challenging to accept. The changes are sudden, global, and appear to transcend nations, cultures, languages and forms of government. Consistent with Q posts, long-standing power structures appear to be in the process of being dismantled. These power structures are being dismantled globally on an extra-territorial, global basis.

One potential explanation is that a powerful extra-territorial/global organization exists that opposes the traditional global power structure and is fomenting and guiding the turn away from globalization, towards nationalism, patriotism and the restoration of liberty, globally.

If this is true, who comprises this emergent global organization? Are recent developments simply a kill shot victory by US Military Intelligence over an entrenched and vulnerable global power structure, somewhat of a David vs. Goliath scenario? Did an alliance or long-standing partnership dissolve? Or is there an organization more global and more powerful that is promoting these changes?