Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:13 a.m. No.7515198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5572

Who Owns The Media? – Powerful 2019 Expose’ Reveals The Zionist Cabal And Council On Foreign Relations Provide The Brainwashing/False Info/Opposing Dialectics For The American People


Highly informative documentary exposing the people who control the media and the majority of information perception in the United States and other western countries.


Video narrator reveals the Council on Foreign Relations and people working in the service of the state of Israel control the American mainstream media which perpetuates divisiveness, spreads harmful propaganda narratives, promotes negativity and breeds incessant fear to create a demoralized, divided society.

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.7515208   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Army’s Secret Flights Over Washington Now an ‘Enduring’ Mission


The U.S. Army has made permanent a classified aviation mission over Washington and disclosed that it’s aimed at responding to a terrorist attack or natural disaster. The mysterious operation – which generated complaints from local residents for excess noise at night – was mentioned in a Pentagon request to Congress in July asking for approval to shift fiscal 2019 funds to different purposes.


Read more at:

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.7515219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5234

The Obama’s Administration’s FISA Abuse Is a Massive Scandal


Perhaps if Democrats would momentarily shelve their obsession with Donald Trump, they’d comprehend the staggering abuse of power they’re defending these days.


Because much of Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing with DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz was jaw-dropping. Horowitz’s testimony, in fact, sounded little like the media depiction of the IG report only the day before. Most major outlets had stressed that the IG had found no bias in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. But failing to uncover explicit instances of bias and exonerating the FBI aren’t the same thing.


Worse, most of the media had buried the lede. An honest headline would have read something like: “Obama’s FBI cooked up evidence to keep rickety investigation into Trump campaign going.”


From yesterday’s hearing:


Senator Ted Cruz: “A lawyer at the FBI creates fraudulent evidence, alters an email that is in turn used as the basis for a sworn statement to the court that the court relies on. Am I stating that accurately?”


This isn’t a matter of “sloppiness,” as so many of the FBI’s defenders had insisted. A lawyer for the nation’s top law-enforcement agency, run by the Obama administration, concocted evidence and modified emails to use in warrant application, which was the “basis” of a sworn statement in court. All of it to keep open, during an election season, a “low threshold” counterintelligence investigation into the opposition party’s political campaign.


A person would need to suspend his disbelief to believe that a government lawyer would risk fabricating this kind evidence in such a sensitive case without any partisan intent. By any standard, though, it is corruption. As I noted in my piece yesterday, the FBI misled a FISA court that already hands out warrants at a 99.8 percent rate — in a case against Trump that Americans were assured was an absolute no-brainer.


Who oversaw the process? How many people saw these warrants? According to Horowitz, “managers and supervisors in the Crossfire Hurricane chain of command, including FBI senior officials who were briefed as the investigation progressed” all knew what was going on. No one said a word.


A flailing Senator Richard Blumenthal, forgetting the most vital rule of lawyering, tried to induce Horowitz to admit that warrants allowing the FBI to spy on one-time Trump aide Carter Page had actually yielded useful information:


Senator Blumenthal: “[FISAs] are renewed because they are producing useful information, correct?”


IG: “Or they should be producing useful information.”


Blumenthal: ”. . . they were producing useful information, correct?”


IG: “I’m not sure that’s entirely correct.”


What Horowitz did tell the Senate was that FISA warrants relied “entirely” on useless information found in the fictitious Steele dossier — a document that not only allegedly featured intelligence gleaned from foreign powers, but one that was paid for by the same political party running the DOJ and running against Trump. We know it yielded no beneficial information, because Crossfire Hurricane generated a total of zero convictions for criminal conspiracy between Trump’s 2016 campaign and dreaded Russians.


What the case has done is create an array of dangerous precedents. What, for instance, stops Republicans from cobbling together their own salacious “dossier,” sending it to friends in the executive branch and law enforcement, using it to obtain FISA warrants, leaking it to a compliant media, all while propelling an investigation that smears a bunch of their adversaries for political reasons?


Faith in the FBI?

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.7515273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5402 >>5644 >>5673 >>5675 >>5700 >>5710 >>5728 >>5889 >>5970

Schiff: 'I Had No Idea FBI Was Committing Serious Abuses When I Said All That Stuff'


Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) can't admit when he's wrong.


After last week's DOJ Inspector General report revealed that the FBI committed serious abuses while obtaining a warrant to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page - including fabricating evidence, Schiff was asked on Sunday by Fox News host Christ Wallace:


"Given what you know now … are you willing to admit that you were wrong in your defense of the FBI’s FISA process?"


To which Schiff replied: "I’m certainly willing to admit that the inspector general found serious abuses of FISA that I was unaware of."


That's an odd way of admitting your entire thesis has been dead wrong for three years.


Watch (via the Daily Caller)

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.7515322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Minnesota Dem Congressman Says He Will Vote Against Impeachment


Minnesota House Democrat Collin Peterson says he does not agree with this and will vote no on Impeachment!


He better, Trump won his district by 31% in 2016!


Watch him explain how the impeachment is nonsensical below, and how it’s been done backwards.


He’s right, they’ve spent a year trying to figure out how to impeach the President, that’s not how this works.


Watch the video below:

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.7515397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazil opens trade office in Jerusalem, hailed as harbinger of embassy move


‘We’re not going to do something extraordinary. We’re doing a normal thing — to recognize your capital,’ declares Eduardo Bolsonaro, the president’s son and a senior MP


Brazil on Sunday officially opened a trade office in Jerusalem, a move that senior officials said was a harbinger of the South American country moving its embassy to the Israeli capital next year.


At the event, Eduardo Bolsonaro, a senior lawmaker and the son of Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro, reiterated his government’s pledge to relocate the embassy to Jerusalem soon.


“You have political arguments, you have historical arguments. You have a bunch of arguments to recognize that Jerusalem is your capital. So we’re not going to do something extraordinary. We’re doing a normal thing — to recognize your capital,” he said.


Just like the Brazilian government can determine what its country’s capital is, so Israel’s government can decide what city it wants as its capital, he added. “Because we do believe that whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, and whoever curses Israel will be cursed,” he added, paraphrasing a Biblical verse.


Bolsonaro, who chairs the Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee of the Brazilian National Congress’ Chamber of Deputies, said he had spoken to his father about moving the embassy.


“He told me that for sure — it’s a commitment — he’s going to move the embassy to Jerusalem,” he said. “If we do not move the embassy to Jerusalem, if the terrorists think that they can threaten us, it will be a shame on us. If you want to avoid a terrorist attack, you have to show power.”


Brazil is currently still studying the implications of transferring its embassy to Jerusalem, Bolsonaro said, stressing that when the relocation happens, it should inspire other Latin American nations to follow suit.


“If we’re doing this move in a smart way, for sure other countries will be comfortable to do the same, and that’s what we expect,” he said, speaking in English.


The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, known as Apex-Brasil, operates under the auspices of the country’s foreign ministry, but does not have diplomatic status. Three people — one Brazilian and two local hires — will work from the new Jerusalem office, located in the city’s Har Hotzvim tech park.

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.7515415   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Kentucky Governor Under Fire for Pardoning Killer Whose Family Donated to his Campaign


Former Republican Governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin was in a generous mood right before he left office last week. He ended up pardoning more than 400 convicted felons.


Many of them were convicted of low-level drug crimes. But a few of them raised some eyebrows.


Cincinnati Inquirer:


The more than 400 pardons and commutations, issued after his loss in November to Democrat Andy Beshear, included low-level drug offenders, as well as a man who was convicted of raping a 9-year-old in Kenton County, another who hired a hit man to kill his business partner, a man who killed his parents and a man who beheaded a woman before stuffing her in a barrel.


There have been calls from Democrats and Republicans for an investigation with some lawmakers asking the incoming attorney general, Daniel Cameron, to appoint a special prosecutor.


Recall that Bill Clinton pardoned prominent Democratic donor Marc Rich, but he was only guilty of tax fraud. Not even President Clinton would have been this bold.


The Independent:


Among those were Patrick Baker, who had been sentenced to 19 years in jail in 2017 after he impersonated a police officer to force his way into a home, then shot a man inside.


In 2018, Baker’s family hosted a fundraising event for Mr Bevin, which scooped $21,500 for the governor. Baker’s brother and sister-in-law also personally donated a further $4,000 to Mr Bevin’s ultimately unsuccessful re-election campaign.


The state prosecutor who led the effort to convict Baker for the fatal 2014 home invasion said it would an “understatement to say I am aggrieved” by the pardon.


Bevin was very matter-of-fact in his defense.


"Each case had its own set of facts, evidence, lack of evidence, supporting documents, reasons and unique details, most of which the arm-chair critics are not aware of," he said.


"Am I perfect? No… Never have been… But I did my very best, over many hours, days, weeks and years, to reach fair and just decisions."


Would you welcome the guy who beheaded his wife and stuffed her in a duffel bag as a "co-worker or neighbor?"

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.7515429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UN Climate Summit Ends in a Whimper as Major States Snub Calls for Action


A handful of major states resisted pressure on Sunday to ramp up efforts to combat global warming as a U.N. climate summit ground to a delayed close.


The summit talks in Madrid, dubbed COP25, were viewed as a test of governments’ collective will for more aggressive cuts to greenhouse gas emissions. But the conference, in its concluding draft, endorsed only a modest declaration on the “urgent need” to close the gap between existing emissions pledges and the temperature goals of the 2015 Paris climate pact.


Brazil, China, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and the United States had led resistance to bolder action, delegates told Reuters.


At a midnight stocktaking session on Dec. 15, Carolina Schmidt, Chile’s environment minister, who served as president of the talks, appealed for consensus.

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.7515490   🗄️.is 🔗kun




‘I am a passionate Zionist,’ declares Boris Johnson


London Mayor Boris Johnson declared himself supporter of Jewish national movement on morning radio, before distancing himself from Israel’s actions, which he called “disproportionate”.

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.7515530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Modern Psychology Destroyed Traditional Christian Morality


Dr. Sigmund Freud said it himself: “We Are Bringing Them the Plague . . .”


Sigmund Freud didn’t confine himself to armchair research. He wasn’t satisfied with activity only within his native country either. He wanted to “spread the light” to the whole world. In 1909, he visited America with his lectures for the first time.


It was then, at an American port, that he said: “They don’t realize that we’re bringing them the plague.” This is precisely what happened. Little by little the “plague of Freudism” spread far beyond the laboratory in Vienna.



Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.7515580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5590 >>5594 >>5618 >>5624 >>5813

Rare Rainbow Clouds Caught on Camera in Siberia, Russia - Photos


An astonishing and rare natural phenomenon has amazed social media users in Russia after a photographer published pictures of strange clouds on the National Geographic website.


Russian photographer Svetlana Kazina has taken pictures of "rainbow clouds" over a mountain in Siberia. The photos of the clouds were published on the official page of National Geographic Russia on Facebook.


The photographer said that the clouds in the pictures were very thin and looked more like lace than ordinary clouds. Kazina went on by saying that the wind at that altitude was so strong that the clouds changed every second.


According to scientists, rainbow clouds occur because of so-called cloud iridescence. It usually happens in altocumulus, cirrocumulus, lenticular, and cirrus clouds. It is basically the same concept as a rainbow, as tiny water droplets or ice crystals within the cloud scatter the Sun's light.

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.7515645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Secretly Expelled Two Chinese Diplomats


The United States secretly expelled two Chinese embassy officials in September after they drove onto a sensitive military base in Virginia, The New York Times reported Sunday.


The newspaper, which cited people with knowledge of the episode, said it appeared to be the first time in more than 30 years that the US has expelled Chinese diplomats on suspicion of espionage.


At least one of the diplomats was believed to be an intelligence officer operating under cover, the Times said.


The Times said the diplomats, accompanied by their wives, drove up to the checkpoint at the entrance to a sensitive installation near Norfolk, Virginia that includes special operations forces.


The guard saw that they didn’t have permission to enter and directed them to go through the gates, turn around and exit.


The Chinese officials continued onto the base, evading military personnel pursuing them until they were forced to stop by fire trucks blocking their path, according to the Times.


It said the officials said they didn’t understand the guard’s instructions and got lost.


Weeks after the incident, the State Department placed restrictions on the activities of Chinese diplomats, in what it said was a response to years-old Chinese regulations limiting the movements of US diplomats.

Anonymous ID: 666366 Dec. 15, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.7515777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5931 >>6012

Gwyneth Paltrow-approved sex club making its way from Los Angeles to New York and the Hamptons with kickoff party during Fashion Week


Snctm, which hosts monthly erotic parties, will begin hosting events in New York City and the Hamptons

The first NYC event will happen during Fashion Week with one following a few days later at a discreet mansion in the Hamptons

Guests have to wear masks and start the evening in tuxedos and gowns, but the clothing comes off after midnight if the guest desires

Interested individuals must apply online to be selected to attend the events

Men must come with a woman or purchase a membership, which can cost as much as $50,000

Snctm owner Damon Lawner was recently interviewed and featured in Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP newsletter


An exclusive Los Angeles sex club that was recently featured in Gwyneth Paltrow's popular GOOP newsletter is heading east.


Snctm, which hosts monthly erotic parties in the City of Angels will be setting up shop in New York City and the Hamptons come September according to owner Damon Lawner.


Page Six reports that the first gathering is expected to take place during Fashion Week in Manhattan, with an event coming shortly after at a discreet Hamptons mansion.