Anonymous ID: 9ea1fc Dec. 15, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.7515882   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think that rudolph hoess flew to scotland in order to breed some english princess with his polyorchid horsec0ck that he was endowed with. But you'd have to research the occult history between rudolph hoess and maria orsic (thule and vril societies respectively) and their antigravity devices of the haunebu and der glocke to be sure. And that leads to antarctica, hollow earth, and the fact that the judeobolshevik interrogators castrated 99% of the german high command at the end of the war.


Oh and spoiler alert: more civilians died in dresden than the the total number of jews who died in all of wwII. Source: 1947 ICRC report. That should help explain why the hollowco$t is such a cringeworthy and forced meme.