More research found today about deep state regarding Eric Schmidt, Mitt Romney, & Obummer feeding LEOs.
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More research found today about deep state regarding Eric Schmidt, Mitt Romney, & Obummer feeding LEOs.
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Fake news was first coined by Eric Schmidt-how ironic is that! Hilarious that POTUS uses that term often!
I wish that POTUS would take down some of the deep state shit that Soros-funded groups are still running such as the Open Foundation.
My extreme LIBERAL family subscribes/gets notifications from whenever they publish liberal propaganda. It is ALWAYS so anti-trump and it is inciting division and hatred for President.
In digging on Open Society Foundation, I found a link that places Kamala Harris further into the Deep State/New World Order Swamp. She hired Jill Habig as her campaign manager in 2016. Jill was a fellow with the Open Society Foundation.
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Election Rigging-Obama helped Hillary
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Big LINK I think!
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Per this sauce, Obama hid his election rigging work with Eric Schmidt & Google by creating US Digital Services. (Graphics below)
When I use Duckduckgoโฆfor US Digital Services, I get to a website that says Official Website of the Executive Office of the President (Graphic below)
NOTE: This might well be how DJT knows how many actual votes were for him vs. Hill
It might also be how he knows that Alabama was rigged/wrong in vote count.
Also, his team might also be able to compare illegal voters with the immigration data from the same site (cross reference)
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Just a thought!