Getting paid to do everything they can to continue to sell out the nation. When this is through they should take their hard earned money and move to a country that fils closer to their belief systems.
What would be hilarious is to find somebody like Booger from revenge of the nerds to file a sexual harassment lawsuit against Stormy. If things like that happened people would see how absurd it looks for a billionaire to hit on a porn star.
All it will take for California to straighten out is to expose the corruption and clean up the voter fraud. A lot of people think of the Democratic Party of the union days when they were backing the working man. Most still vote that way not knowing what the party represents now. Families will vote the party line because that is what the family has done for generations. It is breaking that paradigm and having them elect people based on what they believe is best for them and their state and get past party politics.
It may collapse. But with boards like these, and if people are patient they will and have changed how people receive information. It only takes a few people to push information. The way to push people away Is to be divisive, offensive and to treat them like morons, kind of like the liberal comedians. People only tolerate that for so long. Boards like these then become support systems for these people because they think they are one of a few when really there are many that think as we do. They then pass the word on where to get information. That's why the shills are here. We stole their audience.
It wouldn't matter. From what I understand with the Bolshevik Revolution when it was done, some of the lower level personnel that were the biggest pushers for it, were taken out and killed or sent to camps because they posed a threat to their power. If they were to go after people it doesn't matter what you do or don't believe, the only people the want are people who do not think. If people don't think they make mistakes and they will use that as a reason to cause harm. So no matter what they nihilistic.
When I say support I am not talking about blubbering in to a pair of mobs while they apt you on the head saying it will be o.k. I am talking about a place where people can find truth. Being lied to and being called a moron for not following the rest of the sheep is what people are trying to get away from. People can find truth here. Bullshitters get called out here pretty fast.