Correct. Finally, an anon who gets it.
>muh anti-semitism
We need to start banning retards like you and return 8ch and qresearch to its original passion.
Jesus christ the cuckery.
Working overtime, (((schlomo useful pawn)))?
Fools and cowards like you are the most useful idiots the ((cabal)) can ask for. Get your head out of your pussy ass.
Of course, many niggers simply slop that shit up. (((willing pawns))).
Criminals. Cowards join in and enable these racially motivated scum.
Remember who our (((enemy))) is, anons.
>mudslime brotherhood
>We are saving israel for last
/ourguys/ are not cucked retards like twatter roaches and normies who crawl on here to spout their cuckery.
Pic related, our current sitrep and goals.