Reminder FBI ANALysts: pic related wake the fuck up you work for CRIMINALS
She wasnt bad looking in HS
From the halls of McStain's villa in Jordan to the shores of Arizona
dangerous info
Come at me Bro
What will the average MSM reporter or FBI boyscout do when they realize we're right and peer=pressure driven sanctimonius condescending blue pilled worldview they have gets shattered into a thousand pieces?
Will they go back and eat steak? Or will they join?
I think unibomber II was an FBI CI
except for oneโฆ
I've never voted republican in my life (nor demoncrap) But I changed my party from lifelong Libertarian to republican just for Trump. THe incredible courage he has is awe inspiring. The man is incredible. Just stop to think how much bullshit he has to put up with, he's losing money (net worth) hand over fist, the cabal's jackals insult and threaten him and his family daily, he's 70+ years old but he gets up every god damn day fights these lesser men and wins even though the deck is stacked against him and very few people even give him credit.
I think he's the blond 2nd coming of mutherfuggin Jesus.
No, that's not actually correct. I We don't like jews here, never have. (We know who causes most of the problems soโฆ.)
not to mention their cockblocking him from melaniaโฆ.
sadly this is likely the truth. Mueller is a cabal "fixer". I wonder what his motives are? Not money, there's something disturbing about him.
I wonder if you guys know how high the stakes really are here? You know, Hillary planned a legit, soviet style purge after she got in right? Alternative media would have been shutdown and people posting shit like we do here would be in jail or homeless or dead. And if Trump fails, well, that timeline could come back. They fucking know who we are and where we live. And they are straight cold murderers. I seen their type before
Not in my AO.
I'm in CA., last time i was able to look at the voting register (where you sign your name in the ledger) I noted there were 2 people with MY LAST NAME also registered to vote who do not exist. The demoncrap stranglehold on CA is guaranteed by near 100% endemic vote and voter fraud. Without paper ballots and VOTER ID, Demons will remain in power until collapse
They didnt give any of them syphilis, the niggers handled that all on their own, all they did was give half of them placebo meds just to see what happened as the disease progressed. Blacks have STD's at 10 times whites, they fucking deserved it.