Someone sounds grumpy,, is it past your bedtime, maybe too much sugar?.
Tell mama to adjust the helmet straps,,
I think your helmet is on too tight.
I know you are trying to help,
You have posted your peaky blinder memes in many breads.
For one, some of them are violent, or imply violence.
Who in the fuck, is interested in peaky blinders besides you?
Find some more popular shows, movies to meme, and stay the fuck away from any thrreats of violence.
There are former Dems, and Bernie people working on the storm.
They were awakened by the cheating, rigging,( SETH RICH) Wikileaks etc.
They came up for all sorts of names/groupings for everyone who did not love corrupt Hillary.
Before conservatives were banned/blocked,, Bernie supporters were first, during the primaries( same facbook/google/twitter games) ALL FOR MUH QUEEN HILLARY.
Do you realize how many people have lied/cheated, committed horrible unpatriotic crimes, just for her, and in her name?
Look at Comey, Lynch, Debbie wasserman, etc, etc.
It's just so disgusting, all the lies and corruption of these people.
People can change. I would have never have believed it, if you told me 2 -3 years ago, that i would LOVE TRUMP, and think he is the GREATEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.
I did not like the right, or republicans( It was because of Bush, Cheney, and all of that)
I saw their corruption.
I was not that thrilled about Obama,, but John McCain( him and his witch wife,lol) just, i had a gut feeling,, he was bad( never liked him)
Obama, hide it better with his smile, semi personality.)
which i found out later( he was doing all the speaking tricks, pauses, to make himself appear geniune)
The people running on republican side in 2016,, did not thrill me either, kek
I never really had a bad opinion of Trump through the years before. I just thought he was another rich asshole, like the rest of them( other elites).
How the media lied and helped Hillary, I knew they were lying about Trump. I did not want Hillary to win at all( and did everything i could to prevent it,kek)
( honestly, i did not vote for either Trump or Hillary) But i helped her lose votes, thousands in 12 plus states, kek
Ofcourse if i could go back, i would have worked my ass off for Trump, and voted for him.
The night he won,,ROTFLMAO i was seriously laughing my ass off,, on the floor, kek
It was the best night ever. PURE JOY
Then during 2017 i began to respect Trump more and more, and begun to see what he was doing( and happened into the storm at the end of October, and have been here ever since.
So people are not lost on the left. We can reach the Bernie supporters first,, they just need reminders of how they were treated.
We need to make graphics that appeal to things they care about.
Bernie people were against TPP, Monsanto, big pharma, large banks( fed reserve/Roths) Against censorship( i heard these people bitch and complain about it for a year and a half,kek)
They like most people are against huiman trafficking, Corruption, Lying/dishonest media,.
We need to bridge the divides, find common ground, ( we are stronger together)