Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 12:26 p.m. No.7619383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9630 >>0074 >>0703



Hello German Bros. I don't come here much as my work is in a different "arena" but the title of your thread caught my attention. I may be able to aim a few clues at you. But I no speeke German so I hope my English is clear enough.


I was heavily involved in Chanology for about 5 years. Basically I know everything there is to know about $cientology. Little did I know at the time how important that knowledge would be in the future.


Back in the early days after the email leaks and Trump announcing for president I read all the emails leaked..both Clinton and Podesta. I could not shake the feeling of "sameness" in the writing / communication style. I kept thinking "$cientology is involved in this somehow–they are speaking / writing in the exact same syntax!"


My IRL career involves literature and I can spot plagiary, different authors ect. in a second, you could say it's my specialty. I could never shake that feeling. Then the videos started coming–the protests, the left–and it so closely resembled the videos of the $cientology "squirrel busters" that my brain was on overload–yet I could find no tangible connection so I stashed that in my "library". IN some ways the mind control stuff is being used on all of us…both sides. In the Q movement the NPCs are being used for good, on the other side they are being used for evil.


There ARE NPCs on both sides–sorry that is what it is. In order to "win" the NPCs on the "white hat side" absolutely must be utilized. If you are watching from the 40k foot view you know this. And I apologize ahead of time because my information is going to seriously offend the believing alientards-but this must be said.


The early days–Flash forward to the sudden involvement of the alien tards. My investigation into ONE thing has suddenly converged into another. The VOL/COBRA cult immediately started trying to hijack Q when Q was still on half chan. They are still trying to do that but from different angles. This is very important. $cientology was literally an outgrowth of the work that Jack Parsons, Alstair Crowley, and L. Ron Hubbard were doing. The genius of the group was Crowley and if you've not read any of his work I strongly suggest doing to to expand understanding.


When Q said "watch who you follow" that is what he meant. NPCs on the right who have alien leanings are very easy to misdirect because their beliefs are being fed. They dream and preach of disclosure and follow closely the promises of this new dimension and promises of the alien channelers / messengers (which I call alien missionaries). Their job is to convince people that if they follow the aliens the future is rosey. This is, of course, as much a lie as the clams. The clams are doing this for more power and control–the right sided alien tards are doing it because they believe the promises and a future full of rainbows and unicorns.


Imagine if you will there being a single source document–ancient–very ancient–that no one remembers or knows what it means or can "actuate" even though the directions seem very clear. NO one has been able to "reproduce" the results that the ancient document seems to be talking about.


Crowley based a lot of his stuff on Kabbalah–kabbalah, and there is an ancient cult in India also trying to replicate. No one has been successful. There is a DNA component to the process. (hence the reason why Jews own all the DNA companies as they are literally HUNTING people with the right DNA.)


Anyway, Crowley created rituals and ceremonies based on HIS interpretation of the source. He, Parsons, and Hubbard did a ritual called Babalon Working "somewhere" in the Mojave Desert in CA. From what I am able to discern (and I cannot relay everything here as this shit is fucking dangerous)–Crowely had SOME success but it was not the success they were expecting. This ritual they did is the entire reason that many "alien abductees" now believe they are being tortured by demons. They decided this based on Crowely's supposed association with "satan". L. Ron cobbled together $cientology from many sources, one a German document if memory serves was called "Science of the Mind" he plagiarized it. He also added elements of the information he was taking from Crowley and as many do, he put his own spin on it. Have a look at the "entity" that Crowley was communicating with. Back then no one would have known–but today we would recognize the drawing he made of his "helper" as a Grey.


Some believe that the ritual they did and the space they opened formed an information network whereby Parsons was able to transform himself from a High School graduate to a literal rocket scientist–and that much of the information he worked with actually CAME from communications only HE could manage while in that "space". Some claim that Area 51 is build right on top of that space. I am not so sure. But again…loose lips.


1/2 or maybe 3

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 12:26 p.m. No.7619386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0090 >>0098 >>3363 >>3382 >>0703




Later an OTO temple was formed in the high desert near Vidal CA. When I started reading their information, it was clear there was a strong $cientology element. Let's face it–nothing about $cientology works. At least not for normies-but it does create a very strong mind control. If you have not seen Amazing Polly's video on madmen and medicine regarding the type of "medical research" Epstein was funding go look it up. She mentions Parsons, Crowley and Hubbard which is what initially tingled my almonds. It was yet another piece of the puzzle I was working on. Once you realize the research Epstein (aka Mossad, aka Jews) was funding it will chill you to the bone. What is planned for us–for normies. He was again trying to make "sense" of the ancient document and the research was / is (31 million dollars) designed to do exactly that.


Long story short Parsons was likely Jewish. He had been accused of being a Israeli spy. The Jews have no idea how to interpret and use this "source document" information either–as Kaballah works about as well as $cientology. But somehow Parsons was able to do something out there in that desert ritual that no one else had been able to do..he opened a portal. A wormhole so to speak. And he could only do that because he possessed the right DNA to plug into that space. He had no idea of that. He also had no idea of the long-term effects of leaving that space wide open.


I am being purposefully shady about the where…and it will have to stay that way until the mistake has been corrected. It will be–but until then expect the clams to continue to infiltrate, continue to try to find the "answer" first…because the one that does will win full control. The clams are most concerned about the "alien" aspect of this Q movement. I have no doubt they are determined to get the "tech" first. There are more than just the clams trying to find out what the Q group knows. Like I said earlier, the VOL/COBRA, and several other alien channelers. They must be stopped.\


So here are some hints–the closest real-life example I can give you is Alchemy.


Million of people around the world work in their home labs trying to solve the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone and the transmutation of metals. But as far as we know–not one person has been successful. IF someone has I doubt we'd hear about it because wise people keep their mouths shut. But you can wander into hundreds of alchemy research forums and read about their efforts. Why hasn't anyone been successful? Twilight Language.


That is why everyone has failed to complete the "cycle" no one understands or can figure out the exact meaning, without that the "recipe" is going to fail to produce what they desire–it may, as Parsons, Crowley, and Hubbard discovered, produce SOMETHING.


I hope I've tingled some almonds. In any case–you're on the right track with the clams–they are a part of this–but just like Kabbalah, the Indian cult (that produces women who tack Sophia to the end of their cult names), the alchemists, and another unnamed (and shall remain so) group–no one can figure it out. it's literally a race for mastery and control. The clams are infiltrating Q because they have come to believe that the Q group has indeed mastered this information. I do not think they have or it would be over already, but they have mastered enough and the clams are determined to latch onto it and gain that knowledge for themselves.


Start digging into Twilight Language…and whatever you do–don't wander off into following someone who appears to "have the answer". No one does just yet but the last thing we need is more people lending their "energy" to the different cults trying to figure this shit out. Keep the fucking clams at bay–they have no idea the evil they are doing, they are 100% mind controlled. If you bother to study their teachings, and methods, you will realize that. As many "yoga cults" are also mind control..Kundalini in particular.


I hope this helps your research. I cannot say more here–regarding this issue. It should be enough.

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.7619758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9838 >>9980 >>0102 >>5621 >>6109 >>0703


You're welcome. I had to tell what I know when I saw the title of your thread. It is imperative that no one who really wants change get the hook in their mouths. You will meet resistance from the "believers" but carry on and ignore them.


They "come to prepare a place"–the missionaries for the aliens have lost their ability of independent thought because they so badly believe and need this "pure world"…that does not and will never exist. Life needs balance. See the movie THE STAND–at the "end" it was not all good people that survived–but a balance of good and evil. Logos is both..the ying and the yang–a being in total balance with itself. ANYONE promising utopia is lying.


They need to get people to AGREE to go with them when they come, that is what the missionaries are for. My elders teach "do not go with them when they come–stay with the earth".


ALL the groups are frantic to figure out the meaning–none of them are worthy, none of them would be able to remain "neutral" and in balance, all of them would seek to use the knowledge to "win". If you want to see a good example of the channelers and the "promisers" on many different levels:


David Wilcox

Steven Greer

Commander Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light

Eliahi Priest

Benjamin Fulford


Blossom Goodchild–go see what she has done to people…when her "channeling" did not come true many people committed suicide–and you'd think she'd back off but she did not–she stopped for a bit and came right back at it..more promises–they are empty.


ANYONE that promises "aliens" love you, want to help, mean us well–they are lying–whether from sheer trust and ignorance or willfully.


This knowledge that they seek–they will never find. Parsons had no idea what he was doing–but the DNA he carried (this is sporadic–meaning all the right elements MUST be present and very very few people have it, hence the desperate search of DNA companies…very few people have the right "stuff"..Epstein was trying to find it, the DNA companies are trying to find it…no one had any idea at the time how Parsons did what he did….thankfully. They are using Time Walkers (neutrino tech) to pop between dimensions and snatch DNA so they can reconstruct in their timeline–that is where many of the alien abduction things come from as they WANT people to believe it is aliens, they need people to believe it is aliens. ARE there aliens involved?


I don't know–what I do know is what is doing this to US now in this timeline–is not aliens. ARE there aliens–yes. Do they mean us well? NO. ANYONE that does something to you against your will does not mean you well. There IS a war in the "heavens" as there are off worlders who do NOT interfere in other worlds and off worlders that would use humans to their own ends (the elders say spare parts and chow..) but IMHO it is best to ignore them entirely–stay with the earth. Clams are trying to and believe they can-harness that alien shit to gain more power.


IF Q group is indeed using Looking Glass–they have figured out so far–but trust me even they do not know what it all means. They apparently know more so than others which is why they are infiltrating..Clams KNOW the future shit is real–they want to know how–they must never learn this. NO ONE must ever learn this. Humans are weak at their core and eventually the lure of power and control becomes too sweet smelling to resist.


We are going to be facing something terrible in this country soon. I think Trump et al know this hence bringing home the troops– I also believe they are being pragmatic knowing they cannot stop it but will do their best to manage the aftermath. IF they are using Looking Glass–they do know. All we can do is buckle up. Germany is much the seat of some of this knowledge..Crowley used Theosophy, and Hitler minions were very much searching. They did find–some things but thankfully they are not able to understand.


“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla


And thankfully despite ALL the information out there no one, not one person has truly figured this out. Let us hope they never do. Twilight Language is Twilight for a reason.

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.7619838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0421 >>0501 >>0767 >>0703


I also want to add--research the China Lake / Northridge earthquakes. That is the begining of the end for the US West Coast.


From what I can tell they were testing some kind of high freq or different freq engine? Underground there--or maybe even--Tesla tech itself. They either accidentally or accidentally on purpose set of the massive EQ some months ago--and it has not stopped. Either it was an OOPS or a black hat op trying to harness the power of this like the jews did with the DEW satellite weapon. (thank you Russia satellite buster / sub and a heartfelt thanks to the 13 sailors that died literally "saving the world".) DO NOT follow the INTSIG LARPers who are insisting that Russia is bad. Putin is the Trump of Russia--he faces the Jewish Oligarchs who are and have been constantly trying to gain control.


As soon as Russia shot down the DEW that caused the CA fires the INSIG or SIGINT LARPERS went into overdrive in claims that Russia sub was in our waters and planned to attack. This is a lie. Whitehats in many countries are working together. At some level the Mossad, CIA, NSA, MI6, OZ and Canadian Intel as well as some European intel--are the same damn organization--and they are run by JEWS in every single case. Imagine one giant world INTEL organization at war with their antipod.


There is a battle happening "over our heads"--I know this information appears to be unrelated--it's NOT. To see the entire puzzle one must remain at 40k feet.


this post explains the Jewish aspect


>>7619687 (regular q bread)


I will pop back in time to see if there are any questions I CAN answer that might help you guys remain strong. Believe it or not Germany is once again KEY...that is where ALL the troubles begin...Germany and Israel--oddly locked in perpetual relationship with each other.


I am no one in particular, I am just a medicine carrier of a very ancient culture. I am just walking quietly with my medicine and sharing what information I can to help. I have no website, no following, no money making enterprises--I am simply doing my work. Truth is more important than you realize in a sea of lies.


(PS it's OK to take the hook in your mouth and study what they teach, but always spit it out once you have gathered the knowledge. Follow no one.)

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.7619904   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is a reason I am giving this information HERE instead of


They are, for the most part, useless because they are not neutral, they are fervent believers who only look where their overlords aim them.


If you want to know why certain people who "appear to be good" are on my list–dig up and watch the movie MIRAGE MEN. Then you will understand. Truth mixed with fiction. The key is not to NEED to believe!


Sorry I keep thinking of things I want to share. I will NOT be sharing on that other thread. Those people are literally bat shit insane and so invested in their beLIEfs that there is no getting them to back off and examine other angles.

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 6:02 p.m. No.7621153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1619


Exactly and I say that in a post above. Many of them are jews "running a program". They brainswash their kids just like any other "group". For xians it is from birth fear of hell etc…obey–fear–obey–muh chozen, form jews hell they literally send their kids to Poland to concentration camps to program them. Ever since I saw it I've been searching for that documentary to repost. It was of Israeli high school students going on a trip to Poland. How they brain washed these kids was horrific. Young happy go lucky teens–shown LIES about the Holocaust in Poland, made to fear even walking the streets (told the Poles would kill them) and the leader had the documentary dude keep an eye on one girl in particular and basically said they'd break her.


Boy did they break her. A previously normal teen who in the beginning was "yeah this happened but I don't know why we have to keep focusing on it" to at the very end she was frothing at the mouth screaming KILL THEM< KILL THEM ALL…the film dude said "but they're all dead, the people who did this, who do you want to kill?" and the girl who by now has spinny eyes said "KILL THEIR DESCENDANTS"


So yeah I guess calling it a battle of the NPCs is a good label.

I don't know what else to tell you. You'll have to just keep your eyes open for the infiltration. To be honest I am stunned that $cientology is still permitted in Germany. Even Russia saw they were a destructive cult.

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.7621183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1662


"The German spirit is the spirit of freedom, and no other popular spirit is equal in it.


Freedom begins with knowing its concept. "Free is the mind that is not determined by anything that is not itself." (Self-determination)"


It's kind of strange but I do know a lot of German people who are very strong minded, industrious, odd sense of humor, practical–etc…so I find it mind boggling that Germany has basically given UP their freedom and become the scapegoat for the Jewish bullshit and guilt trips. I was raised very strict xian and trust me I know all about muh chozen and how "precious and innocent' the Jews are–(cough) but slowly I started looking for myself and discovered that half that shit I was told about the Holohoax is not true, in fact the version of the story we are told is often dependent on the victors.


I believe the jews got Israel by plan (see the documentary A Zionist's Story–woah eye opening if you can find it) and the USA wanted the German scientists that were supposedly Nazi war criminals. I've seen too much–the German people have been brainwashed to believe it's their fault. And now Germany is the land of soi. Maybe destroying Germany again–


I do know this. As time is circular and history repeats I can absolutely see a time when the jews piss the world off so fucking much with their fuckery that this time ALL the gas will be real. I can also see more countries tired of muzzies doing what China has done. You can only push people so far. What I find interesting is what is the motive behind continually pushing people too far?

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 6:40 p.m. No.7621379   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LOL this is amusing and I'd not bother answering your NPC self and dealing with your NEED to beLIEve–this has nothing to do with Q at all (aside from my pondering their use of Looking Glass). Other than that you are a mind controlled programmed hope tard. The very idea that I am afraid of aliens is laughable. They are afraid of ME. Enough said on that. I would tear Greer apart and he'd run–because I know what he is. Not one of the alientard leaders would last a second in a room with me I KNOW what they are. The dark always flees the light.


And let me go one further as many of my NA bros with less ethical mindsets and far less training are currently doing…Please, go with them when they come. (Can you imagine why NAs might be going around teaching about the Star Brothers and their good will toward you when they know the direct opposite is true?) You'll have to forgive them–very few elders or medicine people are taught these things, and even fewer NAs are living a good life. They're just as evil as the rest of humanity–I find it amusing that people follow them around and hang breathlessly on their words.


Q is genius as they have fed every separate group exactly what they need / want to believe. Whether or not I feel that is ethical–is beside the point. It is working. It needs to work. This operation would not work if the groups did not work together. So IMHO whatever the NPC needs, is what they should and must be fed.


Q failed by sidestepping the Jews and avoiding that pressing question until he posted "saving Israel for last"…too late Q you lost the real anonymous who are too well-schooled on the JQ to put up with a year or so of ignoring it to keep their "Trump loves Jews cover" for the xians (see pic related).


Sad–because the most effective, most pit bullish people on earth are the group of people that took down the world's strongest most vicious cult. If not for us, Leah Remi would be at Gold Base in the hole–locked up like her gf Shelly Miscavaige.


That's all. Believe what you want. Your belief is not going to change what I know.



Well they've got the pentagon correct. But here's to hoping they never figure out what, exactly that means. However, I am content to let people doodle and conspire. The black cube is a meteorite.


When I said there is a source document that every group has their own "interpretation of" I meant it. LOL Mohammad plagiarized those bits of Judaism and xianity that he liked…when peace didn't work he looked to the sword of xianity and thought–damn that works. The jews literally stole nearly everything from the Hermetica, from the Sumerian texts…they made shit up just like all the others do. Still in all of these things if you know the Twilight Language pulling out the common threads of truth is not hard.


As for the aliens. I am always going to listen to my elders. What I know is that the "good ones" are NOT going to interfere and the bad ones can't wait to. I will quote something.."beware that that appears to be light but is not". I have always been taught NOPE regarding the aliens. I do not walk in fear. And I have told more than one to BTFO and leave me a lone. I will not be used or bent to their foul purposes, neither will I lead people to their doom. People can choose their own.


But watch–the alientards going to see this and freak the hell out–their chosen icons such as Wilcox and Greer (and let me tell you what I see when I look at him–evil. Pure, flat out evil. His voice and message are hypnotizing. There is one other guy…Parras? Who claims to be a former church of satan minister turned missionary for Enlil…that one uses NLP in his talks, the church of satan has never heard of him and oddly when I first listened to one of his mind controlling NLP talks I went searching on him because I thought–he's pushing Enlil and flipping the script on Enki, I bet he's a jew. He is an italian jew but all mention of his Jewishness is gone. He is also brilliant with google bombing so typing in his name + fraud brings up a talk he gave with that word in the title.


Those who will lead you to your own destruction make money–lots of money. I just died when I saw Wilcox's 2012 book sales asshattery. I LMAO at all the fools sucking his dick and sending money–(it was quite the drama) and my first and only thought was–what stupid people–if what Wilcox says is going to happen, actually happens all that money he just made will be useless.)


Guess who was sipping cocoa and LMAO on Dec. 21st 2012? I have my work, I am keeping my part and doing my work. I have been taught and trained since birth by what I have learned, what I have UNLEARNED. I have absolutely zero beliefs. NONE. I have either KNOWLEDGE or working theories that are continually changing the more information I find and the more pieces to my puzzle that slide together. EVERYTHING in my life has been a teaching foundation for the now.

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 6:49 p.m. No.7621457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7862 >>1119



When an elder first started teaching me about frequencies, I Iaughed (I am not laughing now–whew lads hard lesson learned there). I do not automatically believe–I follow NO man…not even Q and I rather think Q would be glad of that considering.


Do not hold in your heart that you are safe. If anything Q has posted has pissed me the fuck off is that fallacy ( I thought the rest rather brilliant). You are not safe, you are not protected. The earth will have her due and you are either ready, or you are not. HOWEVER the work of Q is setting the stage for a balance when the smoke clears that will help us have a better reboot.


We are not ascending, Jesus is not coming back, no one is going to save you, not aliens, not anything but your own will and knowledge. This has happened four times before.


That lie (that you are safe) is the one thing I disagree with but I understand why he told it. Scared people don't work hard, and they needed you to work hard.


I responded to the title of this thread re $cientology because I doubted anyone knew how closely linked that is to what is currently happening and how. If you take my advice and dig (especially into the mind control medical research etc) it will better arm you than all the Q posts on earth. Believe it or not–everything I posted about is linked. Everything.


Knowledge is free

Information is free

We do not forgive

We do not forget

We are legion

We are Anonymous

Expect us.


On November 8th, 2016 the world had a timeline shift. Beautiful. Now we have a better chance. Time is not linear, it is circular and infinite. But Humans are animals, with a human nature that is unchangeable and a human consciousness that is (changeable). The eternal battle is between the nature and the consciousness. Or rather, that is the battle we are taught to engage in. Rather than acknowledge our individual differences and natures, we are caught in a circular battle with ignorance.


We are not all equal–we are not all the same–the sooner we honor that and WORK WITH our strengths and weaknesses the better. Why do you think the snowflake culture has arisen? How might that play into the game? Fat people know they are fat and repulsive and yet they post photos of themselves on IG and twatter half nude with body positivity–and people praise them…yes Virginia, the Emperor really does have no clothes. Instead of encouraging people to be healthy we tell them that being sick is OK.


NOW what can you do with all that information that is seemingly unrelated? And before the newagetards go off on me–tell me, when is the day you will convince the lion to eat a cabbage rather than the lamb? Animal nature is what it is. Tell me–what law is higher, the Law of Nature, or Natural Law?

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:39 p.m. No.7621825   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks! The documentary is listed this way so as to avoid deletion. It is a excellet documentary questioning the wisdom of the constant MUH HOLOCAUST whining, and exposes the brain washing of the teens.


no wonder I couldn't find it under any of my search terms which were more descriptive of the video. The


"anti-semitism" label has to do with SOME older jews unable to let go of the constant war and whining because of "muh antisemitism" but the documentary maker made his point beautifully. Most of the antisemitism is solely because of their endless whining, their dishonest bullshit and the continuity of the woe is us has everything to do with the brainwashing of each generation of kids until they break.


Thanks so much for that I will not lose that link and think I can so casually find it again. Had it been titled with the real subject–it would be deleted like A Soldier's Story was–until they changed the title to Zionist's Story…now both will probably disappear (and kikes here I strongly urge you to watch both of them and maybe help yourself drop YOUR programming!)

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 26, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.7625670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6252


The ying yang symbol is literally balance. See the white has a spot of black and vise versa? See how they are entwined together? One symbol expressing all that is. Logos is both good and evil it is a being of complete neutrality and balance.


The idea that dark can be eliminated is incorrect. The dark turns to light when the sun comes up–the light turns to dark when the sun goes down. The cycle is important to health isn't it? think of areas where there is perpetual light during the winter, or perpetual dark and how people who live in those places have mental health issues that must be tended carefully.


The dark and the light need each other. Do not fall for any "teacher" that tells you there is a future of only light.


How incredibly boring.


Right now the earth is out of balance. The fulcrum has tipped entirely to the dark. Study this diagram of perfect balance. Imagine the fulcrum is tipped all the way to the dark. From dark to light means balance being restored, not evil being eliminated.

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 26, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.7626919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7418


>I'm talking about bringing evil back under control.

I think it is the translation. Bringing evil back into balance. This poorly drawn diagram should explain what I am trying to say about our present circumstance. I has to be restored to the original drawing I posted–perfect balance.

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 26, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.7628557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KEK Humans are indeed from the animal kingdom. Mammals.


From the basis of the conversation when Q told everyone they were "safe" it was in the context of "no worries, good people are fine, you're safe"…re world situations. It has nothing to do with not being "safe" from "THEY". There is nothing they can do to stop what is coming so they pacify the NPCs. Personally I have a "go" bag.

Anonymous ID: 77e2c6 Dec. 27, 2019, 10:27 p.m. No.7640148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1031 >>2239


I am unfamiliar with that book sorry.



It matters little what you want it to be, it matters what it is. If good were stronger than evil, then why are we running neck and neck, and have been? Why is the battle against evil so hard if evil is so weak?


yeah, a bit rainbow fairy fart kind of view–I bet you think the aliens are going to save us.



German bros, the attached pics have run into Scientology AGAIN–this time another death.


Here is the direct link to the thread–I capped it as far as I could while on there–and also added a bit about Operation Snow White.


Basically anon has found a "death" which has has become very spoopy.