Anonymous ID: 415981 Dec. 16, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.7524891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967

Democrats Make Up Wire Fraud Charge to “Criminally” Indict Trump — And Suggest 20 YEARS IN PRISON!


These people are attempting a communist takeover of America!!


The House Judiciary Committee released a 169-page report in the dead of the night Monday alleging President Trump committed criminal acts including bribery and wire fraud.


As Cristina Laila reported — The report will accompany the two very broad articles of impeachment that will be voted on this week, likely on Wednesday.


Of course, they made the criminal charges up this past weekend after voting in committee on two bogus charges:

1.) Abuse of power – a very broad charge that means nothing

2.) Obstruction of Congress – a made up crime. It is something they completely made up out of whole cloth


And now Democrats are adding charges to their committee proposal.


They are completely making this up as they go along from day to day!

And the liberal Fake News media is right there with them!


We are witnessing a complete meltdown of the Democrat Party.

And the far left media hacks are RIGHT THERE WITH THEM 100%!


Liberal reporter Kyle Cheney posted the latest controversial language in the Democrat Party’s sham impeachment report.


The Democrats are alleging a 20 year prison sentence for something THEY NEVER EVEN VOTED ON~~

Anonymous ID: 415981 Dec. 16, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.7524913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4997

US taking over from IS & Al-Nusra Front by seizing Syrian oil at behest of 'money lobbies' – Assad


Powerful lobbies are behind the US rush for Syria's natural resources, and the Americans are carrying on where Islamist groups left off by "stealing and selling" them, President Bashar Assad has said.


In October, Donald Trump made headlines by ordering all US troops out of Syria, leaving the devastated country to anyone who wants "to come in and fight." But weeks later he backtracked on that decision, bluntly stating that troops would remain to "protect" Syrian oil fields east of the Euphrates.


In a comprehensive interview with China's Phoenix, Assad commented on Trump's swift transition from the mild non-interventionism that he championed before the troop withdrawal, to the outright oil-driven expansionism that resembled the 2003 Iraq War.

'Lobbies in charge of US policies'


It's not the government in the classical sense that drives US endeavors in Syria but "the money lobbies, whether in the form of oil, weapons, banks, or others," Assad explained.


American lobbies are "in charge of the policies" of the country, which "is not governed by principles, but rather by the interests of those companies," he said.


If they have an interest in occupying the oil wells, stealing and selling them one way or another, then this state and this regime will act in favor of these companies, regardless of international law and regardless of American law.

Anonymous ID: 415981 Dec. 16, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.7524927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4951 >>4959 >>4963

A "Market" That Needs $1 Trillion in Panic-Money-Printing by the Fed to Stave Off Implosion Is Not a Market


It was all fun and games enriching the super-wealthy but now the karmic cost of the Fed's manipulation and propaganda is about to come due.

A "market" that needs $1 trillion in panic-money-printing by the Fed to stave off a karmic-overdue implosion is not a market: a legitimate market enables price discovery. What is price discovery? The decisions and actions of buyers and sellers set the price of everything: assets, goods, services, risk and the price of borrowing money, i.e. interest rates and the availability of credit.

The U.S. has not had legitimate market in 12 years. What we call "the market" is a crude simulation that obscures the Federal Reserve's Socialism for the Super-Wealthy: the vast majority of the income-producing assets are owned by the super-wealthy, and so all the Fed money-printing that's been needed to inflate asset bubbles to new extremes only serves to further enrich the already-super-wealthy.

The apologists claim the bubbles must be inflated to "help" the average American, but that claim is absurdly specious. The majority of Americans "own" near-zero assets that earn income; at best they own rapidly-depreciating vehicles, a home that doesn't generate any income and a life insurance policy that pays off only when they pass away.

The average American uses the family home for shelter, and so its currently inflated price does nothing to improve the household income: it's paper wealth, and we've already seen how rapidly that paper wealth can vanish when Housing Bubble #1 popped. (Housing Bubble #2 is currently sliding toward the edge of the abyss.)

Were legitimate price discovery allowed, the asset bubbles would pop, and the real-world impact on the average household that owns essentially zero income-producing assets would be minimal. Their overvalued house would fall in half, but since it still functions as shelter, the actual economic impact is minimal. As for the life insurance company's losses–where's the benefit today of an "asset" that only pays out when you die?

Meanwhile, the super-wealthy own stocks, bonds, companies and commercial real estate, all of which generate income. The rich get richer in two ways: their assets generate small fortunes in income (unearned income is what separates "the rich" from everyone else) and thanks to the Fed's constant goosing of asset prices, their paper wealth has multiplied.

The dirty little secret that nobody dares whisper lest the whisper trigger a self-reinforcing avalanche is that this Fed-manipulated "market" is illiquid: if any serious selling were to arise, there wouldn't be enough buyers to stave off a complete implosion of the bubbles.

The Fed's game is to create the illusion of liquidity by being the buyer of last resort, only now the Fed is the only buyer. This is the toxic consequence of the Fed's 12 long years of Socialism for the Super-Wealthy: thanks to the Fed's destruction of price discovery, the super-wealthy no longer worry about liquidity, so leverage is the name of the game.

The Super-Wealthy can gamble with hundreds of billions to stripmine the economy and not worry about whether a buyer will actually pay the overvalued price of the asset, because they can count on the Fed to step up and panic-money-print whatever sums are needed to maintain the illusion of liquidity.

Anonymous ID: 415981 Dec. 16, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.7524935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5061

Estonian minister scoffs at Finland's new 'saleswoman' PM, says young leader is part of far-left 'red' plot


Estonia's interior minister has lashed out at Finland's new prime minister, Sanna Marin, accusing the 34-year-old of being unfit for office and participating in a neo-Bolshevik conspiracy against her country.


Mart Helme, a member of Estonia's right-wing populist Conservative People's Party, told local media that recent events in Finland have made his "hair stand on end."


Noting that Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin once remarked that "every cook could become a minister," Helme lamented that "now we can see that a saleswoman has become a prime minister [in Finland]."


Continuing his attack on the new leader, Helme suggested that Marin is part of a "red" conspiracy to dismantle Finland.


Now we can actually see to some extent how the historical revenge of the reds on the whites, that is to say, the reds who wanted to liquidate the Finnish state already in the [Finnish Civil War of 1918], have now come to power and are now desperately trying to liquidate Finland.


Estonia's own prime minister doesn't appear to share Helme's concerns. In a message shared on social media on Sunday, Juri Ratas noted that "Finland is our close friend and companion" and that Estonia-Finland relations have "not been affected by what kind of democratic parties belong to, or are run by, the coalitions in both countries."


He added that he expects all members of the Estonian government to participate "meaningful and honest cooperation" with their Finnish counterparts.


Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid later apologized to Marin in a phone call with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö on Monday.

Anonymous ID: 415981 Dec. 16, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.7524947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Officer Now Locked in Same Jail He Guarded After Arrest for Child Sex Crimes


Phoenix, AZ — A Pinal County Corrections Officer will likely share a jail cell with the very child molesters he was tasked with guarding after getting arrested for possessing and distributing child pornography. Rick Vasquez has worked as a corrections officer since 2003 in Pinal County but was placed on paid administrative leave last week following his arrest.


Phoenix police say Vasquez was targeted by the Internet Crimes Against Children task force after uploading and sharing child pornography depicting children as young as toddlers. Vasquez used multiple social media apps and shared at least three images. Once the task force linked his social media account to his person, Vasquez was arrested.


He was charged with sexual exploitation of a minor and dangerous crimes against children. Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb made the following announcement after Vasquez was arrested:


Unfortunately, I have to share some tough news with you today…One of our employees was arrested by another agency. I cannot get into the details of the case because there is more investigation. However, it involved internet crimes. I just wanted to let you know that we are cooperating with that agency. That employee has been placed on admin leave pending the investigation. As your sheriff I just want you to hear it from me first.


Last year, another officer in Pinal County, a sergeant in Superior, AZ Anthony Doran was fired after homemade pornography as well as nude photos of his own daughter were found on his computer. All of the pornography and photos of his naked offspring were found in a file labeled “Good Times”. Instead of being charged with child pornography, He was fired for having sex in his office while on duty and filming it, keeping it on a jump drive attached to his computer.


According to AZ Central, Doran’s Crimes go way back. In fact, Doran was what TFTP calls a “Gypsy Cop”, a bad cop who jumps from department to department, never really answering for the crimes he committed while on duty. They write:


In 2013, the Pima County Sheriff’s Office terminated Doran for fondling a woman in his patrol car while on duty, then trying to delete explicit evidence of the tryst from his cellphone.


At this point in the investigation it is unclear if Vasquez, too, has a similar past with respect to child pornography. Where there warning signs? Does he have any real-life victims or are all his victims those being exploited around the world for money.


Child abuse in Pinal County allegedly goes all the way up to the highest levels of law enforcement. Former Pinal County Sheriff and one-time congressional candidate Paul Babeu was outed by his sister for having once bragged about abusing children at a school for students with disabilities. Babeu served as Headmaster and Executive Director at DeSisto a Massachusetts boarding school he ran from 1999 to 2001.


Prosecutors say Babeu obstructed justice into the abuses as well. Congresswoman Katherine Clark remarked of Babeu’s alleged abuses and correlated his then position as Sheriff of Pinal County, Vasquez’ boss at the time. Clark said:


It was really just a cesspool of really horrendous practices towards children…I think it’s rather appalling to think that he is overseeing people with badges and guns, and that he thinks he is fit to run for Congress.


We at TFTP couldn’t agree more. In fact, one can clearly see if the head of the Sheriff’s department can brazenly brag about abusing kids, it’s no wonder officers in his rank and file would end up following his now infamous example. We predict there will be more charges forthcoming as Vasquez’ investigation continues. More bad apples from the bad tree are going to fall.

Anonymous ID: 415981 Dec. 16, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.7524952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4971 >>5013 >>5128

US Representatives Demand DOJ Start Prosecuting People for Hardcore Pornography


The free thinking argument, that blows away the notion of illegal prostitution, is that of pornography. Pornography, or porn, is nothing more than prostitution that has been state-sanctioned, taxed, filmed, and distributed. However, because it is taxed — politicians have generally left it alone — until recently.


This month, four Republican congressmen sent a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr, demanding the Department of Justice use obscenity laws to to “declare the prosecution of obscene pornography a criminal justice priority,” and “bring prosecutions against the major producers and distributors of such material.” The representatives are calling for this under the guise of reducing child porn — which is already illegal and prosecuted — but they are using this fear to go after regular, legal porn as well.


Child pornography is a horrifying problem worldwide. Not a day goes by that we don’t hear of multiple arrests of individuals consuming and producing it. Many times, those who are caught with it are in positions of authority like police officers, state senators, judges, and other officials. Sadly, many of the government-affiliated consumers of child porn barely receive so much as a slap on the wrist when they are caught with it, which is a huge problem. Regular, legal, consensual porn, on the other hand, is not a problem, yet these federal employees want to go after it.


The letter — signed by Jim Banks of Indiana, Mark Meadows of North Carolina, Vicky Hartzler of Missouri, and Brian Babin of Texas — and provided to the National Review, reminds the DOJ of Donald Trump’s campaign promise to enforce obscenity laws against the porn industry.


“The Internet and other evolving technologies are fueling the explosion of obscene pornography by making it more accessible and visceral,” the representatives write. “This explosion in pornography coincides with an increase in violence towards women and an increase in the volume of human trafficking as well as child pornography.”


In the letter, the legislators claim that online porn has coincided with a rise in violence against women, teens who watch porn are more likely to engage in risky behavior, porn is uniquely addictive, and that it increases human trafficking.


While these claims may seem like reason for concern, they are either misleading, or entirely false. The last several decades have seen a decrease in violent crimes against women and studies show that porn is actually decreasing rape. Also, as Reason points out, the proliferation of online porn and minors’ easy access to it has coincided with a significant drops in just about every negative outcome connected to young people and sex.


What’s more, there is no evidence that porn is uniquely addictive, meaning that those addicted to porn appear to suffer from the same psychological propensity toward addiction that leads to other compulsive behaviors.


The final claim of porn leading to human trafficking is outright offensive. The overwhelming evidence shows that prohibition of the sex trade is what leads to violence and human trafficking. Just like the war on drugs creates crime by pushing the unending demand for illicit substances into the black market, the war on the sex trade creates crime in the same manner.


Because the demand for sex is pushed into dark alleys and late night street corners, a woman working in the sex trade becomes far more vulnerable than if they were legally allowed to operate out of brick and mortar setups. This danger of working on the street drives the need for protection from pimps who are often more abusive than any customer would be. If a ban on prostitution has created such a mess, imagine the horrifying implications of a ban on porn. Demand for it would not go away. Instead, organized crime would take it over and the standard legal protections against violence and exploitation would go out the window.


As Elizabeth Brown points out, “the internet has fueled a resurgence in a once-dormant porn panic. But the internet hasn’t just enabled more porn access; it has allowed a much more diverse porn landscape, one that features more diverse body types and sexualities and where independent adult entertainers and content creators have more control over their income, image, and work conditions than ever before. There’s still much room for improvement, but declaring a new war on obscenity would only set that work back.”


We agree.

Anonymous ID: 415981 Dec. 16, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.7524969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4984 >>5004 >>5024 >>5046 >>5081 >>5126 >>5136 >>5152

Former Director: FBI ‘Not a Broken Institution,’ Criticizing It Threatens ‘Rule of Law’



Former CIA and FBI Director William Webster declared in an op-ed Monday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is not a “broken institution” and criticizing it threatens the “rule of law,” in an attempt to quell public outcry over agents’ misconduct during the 2016 election.


Webster’s full-throated defense of the two agencies comes amid the fallout from the Department of Justice Inspector General (IG) report, in which it was confirmed that FBI officials made 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” in its submissions to the FISA court to obtain warrants to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page during the 2016 presidential election.


“The privilege of being the only American in our history to serve as the director of both the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. gives me a unique perspective and a responsibility to speak out about a dire threat to the rule of law in the country I love,” Webster wrote in the New York Times. “Order protects liberty, and liberty protects order. Today, the integrity of the institutions that protect our civil order are, tragically, under assault from too many people whose job it should be to protect them.”


“The rule of law is the bedrock of American democracy, the principle that protects every American from the abuse of monarchs, despots and tyrants. Every American should demand that our leaders put the rule of law above politics,” he added.


Webster then lashed out at President Donald Trump for criticizing the FBI over DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s findings, suggesting his remarks threaten the bureau’s independence. The former official expressed his full confidence in FBI Director Christopher Wray and said the notion that he could be removed from his post, akin to the bureau’s previous director, James Comey, “disturbs me greatly.”


“The president’s thinly veiled suggestion that the director, Christopher Wray, like his banished predecessor, James Comey, could be on the chopping block, disturbs me greatly,” he wrote. “The independence of both the F.B.I. and its director are critical and should be fiercely protected by each branch of government.”


Webster then took aim at the president for referring to anti-Trump FBI officials implicated in Horowitz’s report as “scum” and attempted to cast doubt on Attorney General William Barr’s independence, citing U.S. Attorney John Durham’s now-criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe.


“I know firsthand the professionalism of the men and women of the F.B.I. The aspersions cast upon them by the president and my longtime friend, Attorney General William P. Barr, are troubling in the extreme Calling F.B.I. professionals ‘scum,’ as the president did, is a slur against people who risk their lives to keep us safe,” he wrote. “Mr. Barr’s charges of bias within the F.B.I., made without providing any evidence and in direct dispute of the findings of the nonpartisan inspector general, risk inflicting enduring damage on this critically important institution.”


He continued: “As a lawyer and a former federal judge, I made it clear when I headed both the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. that the rule of law would be paramount in all we did. While both agencies are staffed by imperfect human beings, the American people should understand that both agencies are composed of some of the most law-abiding, patriotic and dedicated people I have ever met. While their faces and actions are not seen by most Americans, rest assured that they are serving our country well.”


Webster’s op-ed comes one day after Comey conceded the IG report revealed the bureau’s “sloppiness” with respect to its FISA application use against the Trump campaign.


“He’s right. I was wrong,” Comey told Fox News Sunday when pressed on Horowitz’s findings. “I was overconfident as director in our procedures of the FBI and Justice have built over 20 years years. I thought they were robust enough. It’s incredibly hard to get a FISA. I was overconfident in those because he’s right, there was real sloppiness — 17 things that should have been in the application or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable, so he’s right.”


Comey’s admission prompted President Trump to once again demand the fired FBI director to apologize for surveilling his campaign and even hinted that he could face imprisonment for the deeply flawed probe.


“So now Comey’s admitting he was wrong. Wow, but he’s only doing so because he got caught red handed. He was actually caught a long time ago. So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct. Could it be years in jail? Where are the apologies to me and others, Jim?” the president tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 415981 Dec. 16, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.7524990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4994

Bloomberg Acknowledges ‘Disrespectful’ Comments After 17 Women Sued His Company


2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg acknowledged past “disrespectful” comments after ABC News found at least 17 women filed lawsuits against his company.


Michael Bloomberg, the CEO and co-founder of Bloomberg LP, announced a 2020 presidential run in November. Since the announcement, multiple past lawsuits against his company surrounding office culture have come to light, with three cases specifically naming the former New York City mayor.


None of the cases ABC News reviewed went to trial, according to the outlet. Four were dismissed or withdrawn, five were settled out of court, and three are still open.


“Mike Bloomberg has supported and empowered women throughout his career — from appointing women to the very top positions in his mayoral administration to supporting women candidates for higher office to an industry-leading 26-weeks of paid family leave at his company,” Bloomberg campaign spokesperson Julie Wood said in a statement.


“At the same time, Mike has come to see that some of what he has said is disrespectful and wrong,” Wood said. “He believes his words have not always aligned with his values and the way he has led his life.”


In the 1990s, one woman alleged that Bloomberg told her to “kill it” when he found out she was pregnant. Bloomberg, a Democrat, has repeatedly denied this accusation. Other women throughout the years have accused Bloomberg of contributing to a frat-like office culture, with accusations that he used phrases such as “I would DO you in a second,” ABC News reported Sunday.


Many of the cases have not specifically named Bloomberg, but focused on other managers and executives. Bloomberg LP officials said the office is not like a frat house, according to ABC News.


Bloomberg added at a campaign event in North Carolina Sunday that his company’s record on gender equality is “enviable.”


“There will always be somebody that’s not happy, but we are — we do very well in terms of attracting men and women to come to work in the company, and the retention rate with both of them is good as I think any real company,” Bloomberg said, according to ABC News. “So, I’m very proud of what we do.”