` ID: 8e6c41 Dec. 16, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.7525637   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let's say it a different way.

We know that Q is aligned with POTUS from many previous drops.

So when Durham, Barr and the IG, all release something at 1:29

This is evidence that they are all aligned

This means they are not fighting

Any apparent disagreement is in the script

It's part of the movie.

And why 1:29?

That time came first from Q

Who is aligned with POTUS

Meaning that all three folks releasing 1:29 statements,

Up until now

Are aligned with POTUS

Alignment is important

It is part of a military operation

Artillery is useless without it

And even many missiles depend on lining up with a laser pointer.

Read up on how a laser works to begin with.


You'll be seeing new technology based on this principle soon.

` ID: 8e6c41 Dec. 16, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.7525674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7518785 (pb)


When you see notable people tweeting

And hammering the same points as POTUS

Then you know they are aligned.

And you know who is the hammer and who is the nail

Nails can also be aligned.

What nail does POTUS hammer that is aligned with Switzerland, Zion and Banks?

Could it be the Gnomes of Zurich?

The Zionist Banksters who run Global Banking?

It is interesting to look into the history of Gringotts

And find out what else happened in that year in our world

And how those events tie into Switzerland