What is the [PRO] at the end.
Even after BB B2 Bill Barr has outed himself as the stealth bomber?
Do you think the enemies of America know we have stealth bombers?
Do you see how they are called stealth bombers, and not unknown bombers?
Hopefully his bag of tricks is empty.
That could cut both ways.
It may not be necessary to produce Brady material if the entire crooked case is chucked out the window.
satanic gibberish
Wow, takes some people way too long to see evil. Netflix has been evil for years.
hate is the fruit of fear
love drives out fear
perfect love drives out all fear
faith and doubt kill each other
Christmas rush
>Jan 28, 2020
Not a lot of space between stripper and gold digger.
Always be wary of the BBD; the Bigger Better Deal.
So he's clearing the decks of the current candidates
And promoting a woman
Seems to me like it's either Big Mike or Oprah
The fuck are you on about.
But the direct reference is to House of Saud, Roths, and Soros. None of which are located in any of those places.
And none of those places existed as such in 97 AD.
Yeah, the man, the antichrist, is one member of the unholy triumverate. The false prophet of Mystery Babylon is the second, and the third is the devil himself, who possesses both men by the end.
I understand those to be the independent city states that provide the cabal its three headquarters, and its power, religious, military, and financial.
Jesus rose bodily from the dead; there are no samples of him to clone.
The genetic fuckery of the cabal is to make people who are mostly human, but part demon.
For instance, the mark of the beast, the implanted microchip, will contain angel/demon DNA, thus making the person taking the chip irredeemable.
Everyone who gets this implant goes to hell.
Because only full humans have a savior; only full humans can be redeemed.
Not angels, and not hybrids/nephilim.
The heart of man is endlessly wicked; and who can know it?