` ID: 19469d Dec. 16, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.7526138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6320 >>6599

>>7525674 (pb)



What a year

That's the year that Gringott's Wizarding Bank was founded.

Run by gnomes, is this bank meant to represent a real banking bloodline?

The Gnomes of Zurich?


The Treaty of Utrecht is signed granting the German merchant clans access to England

Who was in Utrecht?

How does the Bourbon bloodline of Louis XVII tie in to this?

What about the Vanderbilt bloodline?

Remember that Payseur (Pesour) was just the banking/gold merchant family that helped the Bourbons.


Venice enacts a Patent Statute.

Hmmm, patents mean control of technology.

Suppressing technological invention leads to monopoly control

Monopoly control leads to profits flowing into the family coffers

Il fondo

Have you heard of the oligarchs of Venice?

Of the Galata Bankers?

Of the Baltazzi family who helped Rothschild into the Ottoman Empire?

The family who spawned the Austrian Vetsera, gave birth to Hitler and Walt Disney?


The Burgundian wars began in 1474

A conflict between the Dukes of Burgundy and the Old Swiss Confederacy

Did someone decide that Switzerland was a safer place for their stash of gold?

And take it up the Rhine river, which connects to the Limmat river

Leading to Zurich

Could the Gold Fund have decided who would win the war?


Isabella I became Queen of Castile in this year

She and her husband Ferdinand had a coat of arms with the motto PLUS ULTRA

There are many ways to translate this, but I like BEYOND

They sent Columbus BEYOND the edge of the world to establish a New World.


The Duke of Burgundy had a dispute in Utrecht that started a civil war which ended in 1474

Burgundy had other territories like Bruges, where he founded the Order of the Golden Fleece

He who controls the sheep as his slaves, gets the gold?

Spain, Austria, oh dear!

Plus Ultra


A secret and better world beyond ours

This is what Spain and Portugal created in the New World

For a while

France's version was Arcadia

But then the English stumbled into New France.


Marsilio Ficino completes his book Theologia Platonica

He was a Neo-platonist.

This was the philosophical thread that spawned Darwinism

Social Darwinism




And finally, the Neo-platonist World Order (NWO)