Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.7526068   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge Rejects Flynn Lawyer Sidney Powell’s Request For Brady Material – Sets Sentencing For January 28


Mr. President, please pardon General Mike Flynn!


Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan on Monday rejected Sidney Powell’s request for additional Brady Material and announced Flynn will be sentenced on January 28.


General Flynn was railroaded by the Deep State, FBI and crooked Mueller team — he has spent an exorbitant amount of money defending himself.


The FBI ambushed Flynn at the White House during the Trump transition and altered the 302 FBI reports from the ambush interview.


Flynn didn’t even has his lawyer with him because the FBI didn’t inform him that he was being targeted.


CNBC reported:


Michael Flynn, the Army general who briefly served as President Donald Trump’s first national security advisor, will be sentenced for lying to the FBI on Jan. 28, a judge said Monday.


The sentencing date was set after Judge Emmet Sullivan rejected Flynn’s repeated requests to compel prosecutors to turn over additional evidence in his criminal case.


General Mike Flynn’s lawyer Sidney Powell in October filed a motion demanding the Justice Department produce Brady Material that has recently come into the DOJ’s possession which includes 2 phones (BlackBerrys) used by Deep State spy Joseph Mifsud.


As we reported in mid-September, Sidney Powell gave us a clue regarding the Deep State’s actions in setting up members of the Trump team.


Powell requested that the US government provide her and her client, General Mike Flynn, documents related to Deep State spy Joseph Mifsud from an event in late 2015.


Powell referred to “302s” regarding the dinner event in 2015 that General Flynn attended, which means that the FBI was interviewing Mifsud as early as 2015 and knew EXACTLY who Mifsud was and was not before Papadopoulos ever met Mifsud.


Sidney Powell previously demanded the DOJ “produce evidence that has only recently come into [the DOJ’s] possession. This evidence includes the data and metadata of the following two devices:”


“This information is material, exculpatory, and relevant to the defense of Mr. Flynn, and specifically to the “OCONUS LURES” and agents that western intelligence tasked against him likely as early as 2014 to arrange — unbeknownst to him — “connection” with certain Russians that they would then use against him in their false claims. The phones were used by Mr. Joseph Mifsud.” Powell said in a Tuesday court filing.


Powell added, “Mr. Flynn is entitled to this information under Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 87 (1963).


Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor, was also used by the Deep State to set up Trump’s former foreign policy campaign advisor George Papadopoulos.


US Attorney General Bill Barr and US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham better get to the bottom of exactly who Joseph Mifsud is and how the US government used him to take down Trump and his associates, including General Flynn.

Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.7526081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6293 >>6310 >>6563 >>6599

House Democrats Demand Mueller's Secret Grand Jury Files For Impeachment


Lawyers for Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have argued that secret grand jury materials are required from former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation in order to properly impeach President Trump, according to The Hill.


House Democratic attorneys told a federal appeals court on Monday that the Justice Department needs to urgently release the redacted materials despite the fact narrow scope of the impeachment which doesn't overlap with Mueller's probe. The DOJ has argued that the House should not have access to the documents.


"The Department of Justice (DOJ) takes extraordinary positions in this case," wrote attorneys for the House Judiciary Committee to the D.C. Circuit Court. "It does so to avoid disclosing grand-jury material needed for the House’s impeachment of President Trump and the Senate’s trial to remove him from office."



Counsel for the Judiciary Committee have long held out the possibility that Trump’s alleged obstruction of Mueller’s nearly two-year probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign could prove critical to the impeachment inquiry.


The Monday court filing shows Democrats doubling down on that argument even as the impeachment process moves quickly and after the House committees involved unveiled two impeachment articles that focused narrowly on Trump’s alleged abuse of power over his dealings with Ukraine and the administration’s obstruction of Congress. -The Hill


Surely re-litigating Russiagate amid an already-unpopular impeachment inquiry will inspire undecided voters to join team blue.

Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.7526088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6122

Novorussian Forces Shoot Down a Ukrainian Strike Drone on its way to Donetsk


An unmanned aerial vehicle carrying an explosive device was shot down by Donetsk People’s Republic soldiers on December 15, the Donetsk News Agency reported.


“Our reconnaissance personnel stationed in the area of the town of Maryinka (southwest of Donetsk – note by Rossa Primavera News Agency) detected an unmanned aerial vehicle launch by the soldiers of the 28th Ukrainian brigade. The drone was on its way to the residential areas of the Trudovskaya mine, but was destroyed by well-coordinated actions of our soldiers at the border of the (Donetsk People’s) Republic,” – the press service of the DPR People’s Militia Department said.


The People’s Militia Department reported that the downed drone exploded upon impact on the ground, indicating that it had an explosive device onboard.

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Earlier, it was reported that the People’s Militia forces prevented a group of five Ukrainian drones from conducting reconnaissance flights along the borders of DPR.


It remains unclear who issued the order on the use of armed drones given the recent Normandy Four talks. It seems the Ukrainian President Zelensky doesn’t really exert full or even any meaningful control over either his country or its military. This fact in itself puts the entire Normandy Format into question.

Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 1 p.m. No.7526114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6126 >>6599

Doctors ask government to evacuate Assange to an Australian hospital


A group of doctors has asked Foreign Minister Marise Payne to evacuate Julian Assange to an Australian hospital amid claims the WikiLeaks founder's health is rapidly deteriorating and that he "might die" in a London prison.


Detailing allegations of "psychological torture" inflicted on Assange during efforts to extradite the 48-year-old to the United States, 100 medical doctors have urged Senator Payne and Prime Minister Scott Morrison to intervene.


It is an extremely serious matter for an Australian citizen’s survival to be endangered by a foreign government obstructing his human right to health," the doctors say in a letter.


"It is an even more serious matter for that citizen’s own government to refuse to intervene, against historical precedent and numerous converging lines of medical advice.


"Should Mr Assange die in a British prison, people will want to know what you, minister, did to prevent his death."


While the Australian government is highly unlikely to ask the UK government for permission to bring Assange home, there are concerns within some members of the Coalition about the asserted deterioration of his health in the months since he has been imprisoned in Belmarsh Prison on the outskirts of London. Doctors have said Assange is suffering from depression, dental issues and a serious shoulder ailment.


Assange is sought by the US, where he faces a sentence of 175 years if found guilty of computer fraud and obtaining and disclosing national defence information.


Assange is expected to appear via video link at the Westminster Magistrates' Court later this week for a case management hearing, ahead of a full extradition hearing in February that will attract global attention. At his last court appearance, the WikiLeaks founder struggled to recall his own name and age.


Senator Payne's office has been contacted for comment.


In May, the United Nations' special rapporteur on torture reported "overwhelming evidence" that Assange had been subjected to psychological torture.


Should Mr Assange die in a British prison, people will want to know what you, minister, did to prevent his death.



Stephen Frost, a specialist in diagnostic radiology in the UK and Sweden, said the group of doctors agreed with that assessment and feared for Assange's future.


"That doctors should have to write open letters to the UK and Australian governments to demand appropriate healthcare for a victim of torture is beyond belief," Frost said.


“The torture must stop now, and Mr Assange must be provided with immediate access to the health care which he so obviously needs before it is too late."

Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.7526167   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICC chief prosecutor sends warning to Libyan strongman Haftar


In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview with FRANCE 24, the International Criminal Court's Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda discussed the ICC's ongoing cases regarding Libya, Ivory Coast, the Palestinian Territories, Afghanistan, Myanmar and the Philippines.


Speaking to FRANCE 24 from The Hague, the ICC chief prosecutor warned Libyan Marshal Khalifa Haftar that she was monitoring his current offensive on Tripoli. She urged him to hand over one of his lieutenants, Mahmoud al-Werfalli, who is wanted by the ICC and whom Haftar recently promoted.


On the case against former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo, Bensouda expressed hope that appeals judges would overturn the acquittal granted by the court back in January. She stressed that she was also actively pursuing her investigation into possible crimes by current President Alassane Ouattara's camp.


Bensouda told FRANCE 24 her preliminary probe into potential crimes in Palestine was nearing its conclusion. She admitted the court had been under pressure by the Trump administration to drop her probe into crimes in Afghanistan, including a ban on her travelling to the US. She said she had taken up the issue with Washington.


She added that she had just recently been authorised by judges to open a probe into crimes against the Rohingya minority by the Myanmar authorities, but that it was too early to say if this would involve senior Myanmar military chiefs.


Finally, Bensouda said her office was looking into crimes in the "war on drugs" in the Philippines, but that it was not yet possible to say whether this would target President Rodrigo Duterte.

Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.7526210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President al-Assad: “The Belt and Road Initiative” constituted worldwide transformation in international relations…There will be no prospect for US presence in Syria


Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad has stressed that “the Belt and Road Initiative” launched by China constituted a worldwide transformation in the nature of international relations in the world, as it relies on partnership and common interests instead of attempts of domination adopted by the West.


In an interview given to Phoenix Television, President al-Assad pointed out that China, as a superpower, is trying to enhance its influence in the world by relying on friends and common interests that lead to the improvement of the social, economic and security conditions of all countries in this initiative


He said that reconstruction in Syria has already started, but we need more investments from within and outside the country in order to scale it up.


President al-Assad added that now, America is the one stealing the Syrian oil and selling it to Turkey which is an accomplice, with all terrorist groups, in stealing and selling oil. “The Turkish regime plays a direct part in selling the oil, previously with Jabhat al-Nusra, later with ISIS and today with the Americans.”


He emphasized that there will be no prospect for an American presence, saying that if they remained, there will be a popular resistance and they will pay the price. Ultimately, the Americans will leave.


Following is the full text of the interview:


Journalist: Mr. President, on behalf of the Chinese television channel, Phoenix, I would like to thank you for giving us this interview.


President Assad: You are welcome.


Question 1: Mr. President, allow me to start straight away… Syria has been able to make great achievements in fighting terrorism and large areas of Syrian territories have been restored. Now, where will you begin the reconstruction of Syria?


President Assad: In fact, we are not waiting for the end of a particular stage of the war in order to start reconstruction; reconstruction starts immediately after the liberation of any area, whether it is big or small, a village or a city. Reconstruction has stages, the first of which is rebuilding the infrastructure, particularly in the areas of water and electricity. Later, the state shifts its focus to schools, health centers and hospitals.


However, the most important stage in reconstruction, which comes later and constitutes the most serious challenge for us, is restoring daily activity especially economic livelihood. This requires a great deal of effort and is affected by internal factors and the external environment – namely the embargo imposed by Western countries on Syria, which has a negative affect and slows the process down. So, reconstruction has already started, but we need more investments from within and outside the country in order to scale it up.



Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.7526249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6599

Nord Stream 2 Offshore Natural Gas Pipeline Project (Infographics)

Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.7526271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6289 >>6309 >>6426 >>6439

Schumer: Hunter Biden Would Be a ‘Distraction’ in Impeachment Trial


Appearing Monday on CNN’s New Day, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) claimed it would be a “distraction” if Hunter Biden testified as part of a Senate impeachment trial.


The New York Democrat’s remark came after he sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to request the testimonies of acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security advisor John Bolton, senior acting White House chief of Staff adviser Robert Blair, and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.


A partial transcript is as follows:


JOHN BERMAN: In your letter to Mitch McConnell, you say, I quote, “We would, of course, be open to the testimony of additional witnesses having direct knowledge of the Administration’s decisions regarding the delay in security assistance funds to the government of Ukraine.”





BERMAN: Does that mean if the Republicans said to you, “we want to hear from Hunter Biden?”


SEN. SCHUMER: Well, look. No one, not a single person I’ve heard, even those who want Hunter Biden, have even alleged that he has knowledge of the fact-case the House is presenting. This shouldn’t be for Democrats to bring in there favorite conspiracy theories and Republicans to bring in theres. This is an august and solemn proceeding. It’s a very important proceeding. These four witnesses have knowledge of the facts. If Mitch McConnell or any other Republican say witness Y or witness C have specific knowledge of what happened, of course I would think they should be able to testify.


BERMAN: But witness Y or witness C, in your mind, does not include Hunter Biden.


SEN. SCHUMER: I agree. They have not shown a single bit of evidence that Hunter Biden can answer any of these facts. He’s a distraction.

Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.7526399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6409 >>6599

Unpack Your Mind for A New Way Forward


Erase everything you thought you ever knew, observations you made along the way, and beliefs you came to believe as truth. Imagine yourself arriving on earth for the first time, only this time you arrive as an adult. Your soul is strong, your spirit elevated, and your mind has the capacity to filter through whatever comes your way. There are thousands of narratives moving at the speed of light, heading straight for you. But, it’s the first time you are seeing, hearing, and observing all of them. You’ve never witnessed or experienced any of the narratives spiraling toward you because you have just arrived on earth. Feel this space.


Everything you are about to digest is new to you. You know nothing about this planet, but you are about to embark on an adventure that allows you to discern for yourself that which resonates as self-empowering in a positive light for yourself and humanity. You find yourself in a quaint little home located in a subdivision with families surrounding. You have beautiful trees lining your front yard and a cozy habitat of nature filled with critters frolicking in your backyard. There is a nice elderly couple that lives to one side, and a beautiful family blooming with young children to your other side. You sit on your front porch for the first time and observe this neighborhood of people coming and going, rushing about, passing each other day and night, and it feels a bit rushed and disconnected.


Suddenly you realize you are hungry, but the fridge in your new home is barren. There are few neighbors around to ask because everyone seems to be away from their family lives for hours on end, so you go next door to see if the nice elderly couple can direct you to the nearest location with edibles. They kindly offer a couple of nearby suggestions, and you are off to gather food. When you arrive at the grocery store you are in dismay by the incredible abundance of options, only so many of the choices seem terribly unhealthy, and the labels are packed full of 5-point font size listing a myriad of words you’ve never heard of before. You head to the produce section and do your best to choose wisely, grabbing all foods that feel natural to you.


You’ve returned home to enjoy your first meal and realize there is this strange box in your living room. You hit the buttons until a light comes on and voices begin piping out so loudly it startles you. Amazed by this unique instrument, you begin hitting buttons to find there are so many different people talking about a variety of topics. Some of them appear to be talking directly to you, while others are talking among themselves. This all confuses you. Much of what is being said makes no sense, doesn’t resonate, seem contrived, and the people all seem like they are playing roles. What a strange new world you have arrived in. You don’t want to totally dismiss it, so you spend a few days assessing it, while also observing people in the neighborhood who aren’t talking from inside a box. Most of it doesn’t seem to line up, making it that much stranger.

Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.7526495   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Stop drinking!


Most of the serious Anon's are dealing with similar within their own too. What we are unpacking is too much for most of them to deal with so let it go ignore their ignorance and mockery.


You'll be alright!

Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.7526660   🗄️.is 🔗kun

11 Migrants Have Qualified For Asylum Under Remain In Mexico Program: Report


Of the nearly 50,000 who were under the Remain in Mexico Program in September, just 11 individuals were granted asylum into the U.S., The San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

Remain in Mexico, also known as Migrant Protection Protocols, requires asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims are processed in the U.S. immigration court system.

Democrats have called for the defunding of Remain in Mexico, but the Department of Homeland Security has touted the program as vital to controlling the border crisis.


A fraction of the asylum seekers required to wait in Mexico have qualified for protected status in the U.S. under the Trump administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols program.


Migrant Protection Protocols, a program popularly known as “Remain in Mexico,” requires tens of thousands of asylum seekers to wait south of the border while their claims are processed in the U.S. court system. Many of them wait in hopes of entering the interior of the country; however, the overwhelming majority of them don’t meet the standards, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported Sunday.



Anonymous ID: 5233ac Dec. 16, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.7526705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Inside Santa Rosa's mile-long tent city amid plans to shelter its residents in FAIRGROUNDS as California struggles under the weight of 130,000 people living on the streets


Around 185 people are living in 100 tents on a mile-long stretch along Joe Rodota Trial - the biggest homeless encampment the city has ever seen

A plan to allow them and an estimated 3,000 people living on the streets in Sonoma County to move into the makeshift shelters will be unveiled Tuesday

City leaders will propose fairgrounds for the shelters, after being inspired by how they were used to house people during wildfires and flooding

The proposal is part of a plan to deal with California's homeless emergency where 130,000 people are living on the streets

The crisis has left fed-up residents taking extreme measures to keep the homeless out of their neighborhoods

In San Francisco, residents set up two dozen large boulders along a half-block stretch of sidewalk on Clinton Park to prevent camps from being set up

In Oakland, business owners placed 10-foot long logs along a commercial street to stop homeless encampments being set up outside their stores


Officials in Santa Rosa are set to unveil emergency proposals to shelter people in fairgrounds as the city - and the state - struggles with a homeless emergency where more than 130,000 people are living on the streets across California.


In Santa Rosa, around 185 people have set up a mile-long camp along the Joe Rodota Trail, next to Highway 12.


The proposed plan, set to be unveiled on Tuesday, will allow some of those living in the camp and the rest of the 3,000 homeless people in Sonoma County to move into the fairgrounds, The Press Democrat reports.


Leaders in the city, struggling with the biggest homeless camp in its history, are said to have been inspired by how the fairgrounds were used during wildfires and flooding.


The proposals are part of plan to deal with a growing homeless emergency in the state. In downtown Los Angeles Skid Row has become a symbol of the national crisis, while in San Francisco nearly one person in every hundred lives on the streets.


And the problem has left fed-up residents taking extreme measures to keep the homeless out of their neighborhoods.


In San Francisco, residents set up two dozen large boulders along a half-block stretch of sidewalk on Clinton Park to prevent camps from being set up. They were removed about a week later due to safety concerns. And in Oakland, business owners placed 10-foot long logs along a commercial street to stop homeless encampments being set up outside their stores.

