Anonymous ID: 2c3c74 Dec. 16, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.7526866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6901

>>7526630 LB

Q said money brings power, power brings control.

The largest company ever, 10 fold bigger than Apple after adjustment for currency inflation,

was the Dutch East India Company.

Did it just, sort of, decline and fade away?

Doubtful knowing how these cultist work.

Anonymous ID: 2c3c74 Dec. 16, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.7527117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7147 >>7159


I don't think so.

It was what turned us onto Seneca = Vanderbilt (with some nudging from some friends).

As of now the strongest connection to Biden and Vanderbilt (which the use of Seneca in Rosemont Seneca is referring to as Rosemont = Heinz family farm)

The strongest connection is Biden attended Syracuse University which appears, from the meta level, to be a vanderbilt/Dutch influenced university.

It's history is rooted in the Genesee College based just south of Rochester. The College was for Methodist with notable alumni including many Suffregettes (social engineering method that sounds familiar?).

If you follow the expansion of Vanderbilt through Seneca land in Western NY you find the development of Eastman Kodak, and Gannett hand in hand doing business together.

You get Wells Fargo formation in Buffalo, you get Seneca OIl Company leading to the PA oil boom which created Rockefeller and Standard Oil.

It's all about the Railroads!

Theres so much. You get the Mohawk, Iroquois indian named Oronhyatekha who created the Independant order of foresters, which created the knights of the maccabees, which Q highlighted in his Flags Out post.

Who would have been the first Euro nation to interface with the Iroquois? and which tribe?

The Dutch and the Mohawk along the Mohawk river.

It's starting to make a lot of sense.


Finding Universities that use Orange and Orange and Blue as colors will make them worth digging into.



U of Texas



Then the question becomes, how did Soros take over for Family Y? How is soros interfaced with the Dutch/ING and former Vanderbilt control sphere?

Anonymous ID: 2c3c74 Dec. 16, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.7527223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7236 >>7379

Seneca was western NY and NE Penn.

Mohawk were Northern NY and Mohawk river area, which comes of the Hudson river which would have first been explored by the Dutch.



Another juicy tidbit:

The Genesee College which turned into Syracuse University where Joe Biden attended

participated in a QUID PRO QUO with Ezra Cornell,

where they would get a payout from the Morrill Land Grant Act in exchange for their support of his bill.

Ezra Cornell was a descendant of VERY early settler of america,

English, but Thomas Cornell, his ancestor, founded Westchester just north of New Amsterdam.


Fuck, maybe digging Cornell and Cornell university will help identify who is the power player behind Biden.

Thinking Orange, VOC, ING, and Protestant/Methodist.

Anonymous ID: 2c3c74 Dec. 16, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.7527347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7395 >>7414 >>7425 >>7479 >>7551


I got some more:

The Dutch established Fort Nassau near Albany, eventually renaming it Fort Orange, again in favor of the Nassau royal house.

The mainly established these forts to trade with the Delaware Native Americans.

Their "headquarters" or mainland were, as the name implies, focused in modern Delaware…


…Can you begin to see how historic influence and power plays echo through time?

Joe Biden = Delaware Senator, the first natives to trade with the Dutch in America.

Joe Biden went to a college established by descendants of New Amsterdam, and by a religion controlled by the Dutch.

Joe Biden went to a college that is symbolically linked to the House of Nassau along with the Orange Order through the Iroquois Mohawks the dutch traded with.

So who is the singular point person that's paying Joe Biden!?

George Soros through the Democracy Alliance. They pay the Biden Foundation millions of dollaridoos.

So how is George Soros connected to the House of Nassau, the Dutch, or ING?

Anonymous ID: 2c3c74 Dec. 16, 2019, 2:43 p.m. No.7527395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7421


Digging Dutch history in the US and what that reveals.

Most focused on New Haven Connecticut as it connects to the Seneca Oil Company that started the PA Oil boom that resulted in the rise of Standard Oil and Rockefeller. If it was financed by the Dutch…Yale University is also included. Yale have dutch history? Skull and Bones?


I'm also digging into Adriaen Block, an early Dutch explorer and settler. He became one of the first richest people to live on Manhattan.