Anonymous ID: 32ead9 Dec. 16, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.7527220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7372

This past June I had occasion to pass by Epstein Island(s) as typical tourist. Easily took pics, published 1 on chan covered with much commentary. Published more on island late June, into July, 2019. Q was quiet much of that time but did come on in July with many references to the Temple atop Island, my keenest focus. That same month, July, and/or dating from that month, many videos surfaced on YouTube covering the whole Island, Especially Temple. FBI got there too late July and/or early Aug, which happens to be same time Rudy went to Europe to dig out details on Ukraine for POTUS defense. Before those videos surfaced, I asked for one pic showing temple doors open, clearly visible as common tourist. I had searched much and was surprised nobody ever caught those doors open which are easily visible from Saint Thomas with a decent lens. I had minimal equipment but adequate. I called the whole structure a billboard, a giant keep-off sign.The subsequent YouTube stuff showed the doors are painted on… hoax. My questioning was well justified. Epstein was an ugly womanizing child rapist, likely not also a bazaar religious freak. In NY, FL, NW, on his plane there were plenty of signs that Epstein had weird tastes, sexual in nature, but nothing else remotely similar to the temple. The temple did not describe or serve the man, maybe it placated some of his key associates. Maybe it was all joke, them laughing at us.


Why did Q use it, give the DAMN temple focus… the big giant hoax box?


To short cut through a bunch of Q methods and ploys, I'll use one good Q word, 'Placeholder', as on November 11th and 12th, 2018. The Epstein Temple is a graphical 'Placeholder.' Once I calculated Q used the E Temple symbolically, I went back to photos and text. Q 1001, pic of Epstein Island, following text "Where do roads lead?" ROME!, Think Rome, old Roman empire, note Q 1001 is surrounded by drops about the Roman Catholic Church.  I searched atop many Islands close to Rome, maybe but no good place. Expanded search by Sept of 2019, found likely spot and have been waiting for Q to throw vague confirmation. 


Winter games, 2017, who sat behind Pence? Sister of whom? What Games? Where did Rudy say money dispersed to Hunter from, T-11304? Game name, and money coming from, what Island? What is that, in the middle of that well guarded complex, atop what mountain, on what Island? What is that painted to look like? Is it too fake, another big hoax. I cannot believe 'Princes' traveled to Epstein Island to… to get it on. But yea, maybe to that mountain top, the one with nearby surface mining, maybe tunnels going on, going down under. What is the name of that Mountain, Pence's game? SYMBOLISM ! ! !. Who got what message?  Yes, even America has mountains by that name. I am letting Rudy finger that Island that just happens to have one of them mountains, part of old Roman empire. Is that a temple up there visited by Princes, Cabal Cathedral, think Q 1002, over seen by who? What the 'H'? Is that His, Hillary, Hell or Holly… (Q 998)… all four? Where did Hunter draw his check from, of all DAMN places?


Don't know, just don'd know. This is but one lonely anon sitting out here in po-dunk patch shooting breeze, likely blowing wind.