Anonymous ID: 77290b Dec. 16, 2019, 2:38 p.m. No.7527314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7344 >>7396

>>7526688 (lb)

The Mockingbird MSM and Silicon Valley SM have to be exposed and taken down during months of public trials and full disclosure of how the clowns consolidated all media power and created and carried out the programming of all news and entertainment (Pedowood).


This can't be emphasized enough as it will go a long way in the healing process as normies will understand that it was almost impossible for them not to have been fooled to such a great extent over the last few decades.


This is why meming in the information war about the near absolute consolidation and weaponizing of the MSM is so important. Once people understand the complete perfidy of the MSM, how the government use of propaganda against its own people became legal after Hussein's midnight amendment of the Smith-Mundt Act in 2012/2013, they will have something to blame other than their own ignorance and apathy for being fooled so completely for so long.