Anonymous ID: c51cee Dec. 16, 2019, 2:48 p.m. No.7527443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7543


>And I never read anywhere EST is Q standard time

I can't speak for Q or anyone else, but in the beginning when ausbro was making graphic compilations of Q posts, there were fraudulent Qs, so Q got a tripcode. Then Q team made a compilation of their own posts, to set us straight. That reset everything - that is where the origin lies and how we know where to start. All of those posts on Q's compilation were in EST.



What timezone is the White House in?

Pentagon in?

Capitol in?


That is the way I reason it, not that any one location is better than another, but that location is the origin, and since that is how we started, that is how many of us record-keepers kept it, KISS Principle and all. So the spreadsheet, MasterArchivists' stuff, some of the scraper/aggregator sites and the graphic compilations were all in EST/EDT until the guy that was making them bailed. Then GMTanon took it up and makes his with GMT, but no other site or records do it that way AFAIK. Not knocking him, it's just different than the standard set at the beginning, by Q.

Anonymous ID: c51cee Dec. 16, 2019, 3:01 p.m. No.7527568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7616


It stands to reason that different members of Q team are not in the capitol at all times. But that's the way they did the first graphic compilation, said consistency was important with regards to that, so everyone except GMTanon use EST/EDT.