Anonymous ID: 3c3c6f Dec. 16, 2019, 3:55 p.m. No.7528198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Came across these White House Memo documents in the DoS FOIA reading room. If the surveillance began in 2015, could it be that these were the meetings to discuss surveillance results and/or future strategies? My only inkling that they might be is that there are names that look suspicious given what we know now. Rybicki, Jarrett, Guahar, Lachman, Admiral Rogers. What is interesting is that the Admiral is not an assistant, not an executive secretary - everyone else was. Was he running the meetings at the behest of obama? Also interesting is MR. ROBERT E. KRIS, Special Assistant to the Representative of the U.S. to the United Nations who, at the time, was the now famous Samantha "I didn't unmask those people" Power and was at every meeting.


I could be totally TOTALLY wrong on this, especially since these documents were apparently released as part of a lawsuit (Federation for American Immigration Reform v. USCIS, et al), but geeze-o-man, that's quite a collection of IC people.


Trump formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015

White House Memo meetings begin September 2015 and end April 2016


Case # Doc # Date Description

F-2015-17111 c06100121 09/08/15 White House Memo – 27 pages

F-2015-17111 c06100168 09/15/15 White House Memo - 20 pages

F-2015-17111 c06100172 09/15/15 Attendees including Rybicki

F-2015-17111 c06099919 11/09/15 Attendees- w/confidential attchmnts

F-2015-17111 c06100284 11/12/15 White House Memo - 57 pages

F-2015-17111 c06100301 11/12/15 Meeting Attendees

F-2015-17111 c06099962 11/18/15 White House Memo - 9 pages

F-2015-17111 c06099967 11/18/15 Attendees including Valerie Jarrett

F-2015-17111 c06100024 11/23/15 White House Memo - 32 pages

F-2015-17111 c06100026 11/23/15 Meeting Attendees

F-2015-17111 c06099967 11/28/15 Meeting Attendees; different doc # - same date as C06100026

F-2015-17111 c06099712 02/26/16 White House Memo - 48 pages

F-2015-17111 c06099719 02/26/16 White House Memo - w/ secret level attachments – attendees

F-2015-17111 c06100393 03/10/16 Meeting Attendees

F-2015-17111 c06099647 03/15/16 White House Memo - 17 pages

F-2015-17111 c06099649 03/15/16 Meeting Attendees

F-2015-17111 c06099829 03/24/16 Attendees including Catherine Andrade Millennium Challenge Corporation

F-2015-17111 c06099819 03/26/16 White House Memo - 8 pages

F-2015-17111 c06099852 04/01/16 White House Memo - 30 pages

F-2015-17111 c06099865 04/01/16 Meeting Attendees


Apologies in advance if the columns are wanky.