Anonymous ID: 4c6dae Dec. 16, 2019, 5:06 p.m. No.7529152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let me let you in on a little secret of how this is going to play out, imho


You see, a couple of dems (forced) are going to vote 'yes' on impeachment vote


Several dems will vote 'no' to save thier political careers (won't work, too obvious)


Most repubs will vote no except for a few (part of the plan) to get the impeachment investigation going.


No, those few who vote yes are not traitors, but that will be the initial gut punch to the base for a 48 hr news cycle. No worries folks-Smart folk like us will remind them that this is a Strategic D5 maneuver



"The Senate Was The Target" ←double meanings


"The World is Watching"


The discovery when this hits the Senate will be Amazeballs!!


Nothing can stop what is coming


Enjoy the Show