Anonymous ID: f79258 Dec. 16, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.7528470   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Awan in the news again after over a year reminds me of the Andrew McCabe grand jury/indictment saga. This was in the news a few weeks ago:


>The Justice Department this month backed off its claims that records in the FOIA lawsuit could not be turned over to CREW because they related to an ongoing law enforcement investigation. For months, the Justice Department had argued certain records should be withheld on those grounds. Walton ordered the unsealing of a declaration made by Stephen Lyons, a special agent in the Justice Department inspector general’s office, which the government provided earlier this year to justify the continued withholding of records. Lyons said in his declaration that the release of particular records, without redactions, would potentially interfere with the ongoing investigation and risk jeopardizing any criminal proceedings that could arise out of the probe.


Two days before that article, none other than General Flynn's lawyer, Sidney Powell, was calling for McCabe's indictment:


>Powell emphasized that former FBI acting Chief Andrew McCabe “should be held accountable for his outrageous conduct and the ambush of Gen. Flynn.” She insisted that McCabe “should be indicted for at least a couple of felonies… because he lied to the inspector general multiple times under oath with warning.”


So why was that not in the IG report? Why is the court not disclosing records?


>"Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?

Why not?

Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?"