Anonymous ID: 2a3a04 Dec. 16, 2019, 7 p.m. No.7530386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397 >>0484 >>0579 >>0595

Have you noticed that when you turn a TV on the News Programs are discussing 1 to 2 year old news as if it's new? Have you noticed that now that you're awake the News is completely emotion/narrative driven? Have you noticed that the Mass Media/Hollywood Studio/Stars (tv shows, commercials, entertainment specials, award shows) take the same emotion/narrative driven falsehoods and seek to solidify them as truth?


This is how a herd (Nation) is driven. This is how the truth is covered up by lies. This is how they think their plan to enslave humanity will succeed. They thought we'd follow the Stars.


Q and Q followers are destroying the illusion.


Q and Q followers are uncovering the truth and restoring it to the Public Conscience.


Q and Q followers are causing the Great Awakening.


Q and Q followers are a clear and present danger to the 5000 year old illusion they call 'The World'.


The lie they tried to make you believe and the lie that you are shattering - "You need us to survive in this World."


You have the power. You've ALWAYS had the power. We all make our own Prisons.



Anonymous ID: 2a3a04 Dec. 16, 2019, 7:21 p.m. No.7530548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0582



Homosexuals and Transgenders are happy - Transgenders attempt suicide at a far higher rate than heterosexuals. Homosexuals have a higher risk of mental illness, family breakups, homelessness and bankruptcy than heterosexuals. Children of homosexuals (adoption, etc…) are much more likely to become alcoholics and/or drug addicts.


Why do you think Luciferians picked LGBT to try to take America (and European Nations) from within?


Wake up America - LGBT is a Trojan Horse.


Abortions - The suicide rate of Women who received abortions is much higher than Women without. The likelihood of a Woman to be afflicted by drug/alcohol abuse is far higher for a Woman who received an abortion.


Why do you think Luciferians picked Abortion?


  1. They feed off our blood (adrenochrome - most addictive drug known to man).

  2. The mental/spiritual damage to a Woman caused by abortion.


Wake Up America - The Soul of our Nation is being hollowed out by Abortion.


Serious times call for serious people. The cultural adoption of abortion and homosexuality will be our death warrant as a Nation. They knew that. That's why they're pushing them so hard.