Anonymous ID: a37d9a Dec. 16, 2019, 7:18 p.m. No.7530528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0554 >>0573

Should wait until night shift but fuck it, maybe i'll post again later.


Rewatched the Matrix for shits, and I find it interesting that all the things that Morpheus listed as aspects of the prison for the mind were taxes, church, and other institutional things. Agent Smith even mentions "You pay your taxes" in interrogation. Also interesting that Neo says at the end that he's going to show people "what you don't want them to see." And that he's going to show them a world without "you." "Where we go after that is a choice I leave to you." In the context of Neo's behavior and 2 and 3, he waits to see the play of the opponent, learns from it, and comes back harder/stronger. However, it's interesting to think of this movie as predictive programming for today's events.


One instance of subliminal programming I may have found is that right after Agent Smith says "We are the cure," the cure for human virus behavior, the next shot has what appears to be a peace sign in it, and peace is the fought for and only offered solution at the end of the third movie.


Anonymous ID: a37d9a Dec. 16, 2019, 7:21 p.m. No.7530554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0573


The other interesting thing I found is in the credits. Marilyn Manson’s “Rock is Dead” song after RATM’s “Wake Up.” “Wake Up” has some mainstream, cabal narrative controlled opposition in it like pointing out how MLK was killed when and only when he spoke out against Vietnam.

Manson’s song is where it gets interdasting. Lyrics:


All simple monkeys with alien babies

Amphetamines for boys

Crucifixes for ladies

Sampled and soulless

Worldwide and real webbed

You sell all the living

For more safer dead


Anything to belong

Anything to belong


Rock is deader than dead

Shock is all in your head

Your sex and your dope is all that we're fed

So fuck all your protests and put them to bed

God is in the TV


Rock! La, la, la, la, la, la

Rock! La, la, la, la, la

Rock! La, la, la, la, la, la

Rock! La, la, la, la, la


One thousand mothers are praying for it

We're so full of hope and so full of shit

Build a new God to medicate and to ape

Sell us Ersatz dressed up and real fake


Anything to belong

Anything to belong


Rock is deader than dead

Shock is all in your head

Your sex and your dope is all that we're fed

So fuck all your protests and put them to bed

God is in the TV


Rock! La, la, la, la, la, la

Rock! La, la, la, la, la

Rock! La, la, la, la, la, la

Rock! La, la, la, la, la


Rock is deader than dead

Shock is all in your head

Your sex and your dope is all that we're fed

So fuck all your protests and put them to bed


Rock (rock) is deader than dead

Shock (shock) is all in your head

Your sex and your dope is all that we're fed

So fuck all your protests and put them to bed



Pic related explains a strange line which when translated could summarize globohomo replacement migration and the propaganda enabling it to happen.


Some other lines analyzed could mean something other than what I hear, but I hear…

In “Your sex and your dope is all that we’re fed” to mean that this is all the elite get from us. Maybe even “Your dope” is refering to adrenochrome.

“Shock is all in your head” as in all the scary things you react to on tv are just emotional reactions. We don’t contribute anything to them, and since all of our outrage is due to fabricated events, our protests mean nothing. It’s like Occupy Wallstreet or Hippies being anti-war or even black lives matter. All the evidence was bs to prop up an ideology that was meant to have no impact, so you may as well not even react.

And lastly…


Anonymous ID: a37d9a Dec. 16, 2019, 7:23 p.m. No.7530573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0634



The line “God is in the tv.”

inb4 take your meds.

I think the true potency of writing for television comes in some kind of lyrical webbing that will build off of dialogue or even a listing of details/facts, that ultimately prop up a situation in the viewer’s/listener’s mind to receive a revalatory statement or line which for most minds that have a tv, will function in the viewer’s/listener’s mind as a God tier message worth cementing through belief and memorizing through processing a question that is now answered or by an actual action taken in that moment or later in the future.


The statement could be totally benign, but because of it’s declaratory nature and due to the context of the dialogue that guided the thoughts to the moment of the statement, the statement takes on a god tier finality.

It could be in a movie trailer where multiple characters ask questions to each other, to theirself out loud, detailing consequences, and then an actor saying directly to another character. So in a manner, each statement could float as indirect, indirect, indirect, and then suddenly direct.


The other instance I think this occurs is when you hear two or more people discussing something, networking their thoughts together (like a day time talk show), and then summarizing the work in a statement. So in other words, a person listening or watching tv experiences something like the outsourcing of their thinking to the tv. The viewer may not intentionally do this, but because it’s happening and was written to happen, it was designed to subvert the viewer in that way.


Also commercials have a way of inserting statements using tonalities to insert suggestions. Even if they aren’t direct like with regard to the product being sold, they’re still having a power on the subprocessing to a viewer or a conscious processing of a listener.

