Anonymous ID: 3036f2 Dec. 16, 2019, 8:09 p.m. No.7531042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1122


>>7530380 (lb video about ww2 battle of the bulge)


1) 75 years ago, the USA lost 75,000 troops in the battle of the bulge over a six week period by 200,000 nazi troops during WW2.


2)The nazi’s wanted to divide and conquer.


3) Russia helped The USA by dispelling the german troops in the north. (EU Hates Russia)


4)The weather cleared on Christmas day (george Washington also moved on Christmas day)


5) generals Patton and Eisenhower led the defense to restore the front.


5) 6 week war, won on January 25th


6) nazi surrendered the entire war less than 5 months later


7) with every great victory, great sacrifice must also follow.


8) we must never forget


Now hong kong Christmas Day protests