Anonymous ID: 4f2249 Dec. 16, 2019, 7:38 p.m. No.7530734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0747 >>0762 >>1130 >>1219 >>1372

Regarding the Q3669 drop:



>Dates [start] will become important.



Dan Bongino made a very interesting observation during his podcast last Friday, that there is a footnote in the FISA IG report that debunks the FISA IG report itself.


It is footnote 461 on page 310.


His argument is quite packed with information, and he is going in many directions, so I put together the information in a graphic, with 3 distinct timelines:

  • the timeline as reported by the FISA IG report,

  • the timeline of what is described in the footnote 461,

  • the inference made by Bongino as to what the actual timeline might be if we take into account the information contained in that footnote.


I think he might be right on the money (regarding that footnote, I am not saying this is the whole story about start dates).