Anonymous ID: 6fa87b Dec. 16, 2019, 8:51 p.m. No.7531388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1414

I'm thinking that since patriots are in control, PDJT will only be impeached if he wants to be.

consider :

Q said there will be no impeachment

The senate was the target. that means the D's know there is no chance of conviction.

Timing is everything. Is the time right for such an absolute state of the corrupt and divided nation that a Senate trial would be?

The Durham report will be out late spring, or summer, per Barr. Wouldn't that be better timing for all that absolute treason to be exposed, closer to the election?

I'm guessing it may be late summer.

Throw in the declas just before or after, indictments of Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and a slew of FBI minions.

Why do we need a Senate trial to expose anything? POTUS and Durham have it all

Those D's with the most guilt will vote for impeachment and that will be enough to show the country how desperate and despicable the D's have become.

In my humble opinion it will not pass.

Winning will only intensify.