Anonymous ID: 781016 Dec. 16, 2019, 8:04 p.m. No.7530996   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Secret Brotherhood protects its own, loyal only to The Lodge.

Excerpt from Mystery Babylon by William Cooper " In the Coils or The Coming Conflict."


" Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you understand the import of what I have just read to you, and I hope that you understand that many of the leaders in the patriot community are Freemasons. They are sworn to the order, to their one-world government of which they only are citizens. And they have no allegiance to any other government, organization, oath, creed or religion…by their own writings, their own word. Everything that I have quoted that was written in this letter was written or published prior to 1882. The farther back you go in history, the more truth you can read in their words, for they have learned that some of us are smarter than they think. And now, they conveniently delete some of this from their modern writing, but even in their modern writing you can find enough to incriminate and hang them all. The confederate general discussed in this letter by Dr. Groves is none other than Albert Pike. "

Anonymous ID: 781016 Dec. 16, 2019, 8:14 p.m. No.7531085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1132


TY, anon , one must ask who those judges were loyal to as they centralized power. Members of a Grand Lodge ? Doing their part in " The Great Work "


You dig something that makes other things make sense.

Anonymous ID: 781016 Dec. 16, 2019, 8:18 p.m. No.7531113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1140 >>1151 >>1155 >>1197 >>1308 >>1344

When is the last time you really listened to the message of Star Trek? When is the last time that you understood the people portrayed in Star Trek owned no private property? (laughs) And that everything in that series is Marxism? Pure Socialism, pure and simple. And what is the message of Star Trek? Go rent the movies and the series and watch them, one by one, starting with the Star Trek movie and ending with the last one that was made, and you very quickly come to your senses. Especially when you realize that Captain James T. Kirk, when he came upon the scene, relieved one Captain Albert Pike. The initials of James T. Kirk backwards are K.T.J., the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem. ( B. Cooper )

Anonymous ID: 781016 Dec. 16, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.7531302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

But it is a manipulation; it comes out of the heart of the Mysteries that came from ancient Babylon and were twisted on the continent and in England to promote a hidden agenda. And I quote, ladies and gentlemen, from the book, entitled The Teachings of the Masters, written by Reverend R. Swinburne Clymer, who was the Director General of the Church of Illumination, the Supreme Grand Master of the International Confederation of Initiates, of the O.T.O., of the Golden Dawn, of Freemasonry, of the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar, the Supreme Grand Master of the merged occult fraternities comprising the Priesthood of Eyeth(sp?), the Rosicrucian Order, the Secret Schools, the Hermetic Brotherhood, Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, Temple of the Rose and Cross, the Order of the Magi, Sons of Isis and Osiris, Illuminatae Americanae, which translated means, "The American Illuminati." And this book was published by the Philosophical Publishing Company of Beverly Hall, Quakertown, Pennsylvania in 1952. The source of this information is from The 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order, to which all of the high-ranking members of nefarious orders and fraternities of what is known by the brotherhood as the "Illuminatae", or "Brotherhood of Man", internationally as "The Internationale," in 1916 at Beverly Hall. And I quote verbatim and you had better listen, because this is the source of your teachings and it will be the hardcore of the New World religion; it is already pervasive in the New Age movement, and it is very easily checked.''


Today [as an eternal symbol until the time of the placing of the copestone upon the pyramid] one pillar of that ancient Temple stands in London, while its mate stands in New York."[William Cooper]: It is the phallus of Osiris, the obelisk. There is also in the outer courtyard of the Vatican and one stands in Dealey Plaza. One also stands on the estate grounds of the Prieuré de Sion, of the House of Sion in England


( There is also an Obelisk at Luxor in Las Vegas overlooking where that shooting was.)