Anonymous ID: 7c412a Dec. 16, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.7530825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

India’ immigration protests: Not just a conflict between Hindus and Muslims


In India, a law meant to provide protection against persecution is sparking outrage.Scenes of violence have unfolded across the country as protests spread against the Citizenship Amendment Act. Before it became a law it was called the Citizenship Amendment Bill, or CAB. The new law provides a route to citizenship for religious minorities fleeing persecution in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Muslims fleeing these countries however, are not included in. The act has led to protests across India, from the state of Assam in the northeast, to Delhi, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and other states. But the reasons driving people to protest remain diverse. We talk to Indian journalist and writer Rana Ayyub to get her assessment on the situation.

Anonymous ID: 7c412a Dec. 16, 2019, 8:10 p.m. No.7531049   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not worth the effort anons, no sauce…reminding me of that reporter who tried this previously, accused someone of sending him a tweet, I believe it was which caused him a seizure..


Remember this case?:


Twitter User Who Allegedly Caused Journalist’s Seizure Is Now Charged With Assault With A Deadly Weapon

Feds Drop Charges Against Ex-Marine in Seizure-Inducing Tweet November 27, 2017

Federal prosecutors in Dallas have dismissed the criminal case against John Rayne Rivello, a former U.S. Marine who allegedly sent a seizure-inducing Twitter message to a Newsweek journalist who published negative articles about then President-elect Donald Trump. Defense attorney David Gerger told The Texas Lawbook in an exclusive interview that the federal charges simply did not meet the facts alleged.


Lost this time around are they going for a higher impact 2nd time?