Anonymous ID: 9be827 Dec. 17, 2019, 6:20 a.m. No.7533590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3608 >>3626

Ok Anons, I'm about to take a couple of big leaps. I'm likely to be proven incorrect, but I'm certainly ok w/that.


My first leap isn't so drastic… Q told us that Carter Page is a PLANT, but he never really said who planted him. What if Page was inserted in to POTUS' campaign by white hats? Stick with me, it makes sense.


Last week Page appeared on Maria Bartiromo's show and stated that he was in a meeting with an FBI supv. re: his upcoming testimony in a trial of Russian Intel Agents. At the end of that meeting He tell the Agent, "By the way, I'll be joining on to the Trump Campaign".


This was on April 2, 2016 and immediately after the meeting The FBI Agent called her supv. and advised him/her what Page had just said. She was told to immediately open up an investigation into Page. (See YouTube link marker 3:40-5:50)(See pg.62 of FISA Report)


We also know as per Greg Jarret's book (Witch Hunt) that Page sent Comey a letter stating that he was involved in that Russia case and was a CHS and testifying against those Russians. So not only did Comey then know, Page was a "good guy", Page was also inserting evidence to prove that Comey knew Page was a C_A/FBI informant/source before submitting the FISA application to the FISC.


What if Adm. Rodgers going to Trump Tower To tell DJT that Hussein has TT wired up was all optics? What if POTUS Elect already knew? Or what if white hats had known something rotten was going on and told Page, in your meeting at the FBI tell them you are joining Trumps Campaign.


They would've know the FBI would bite and put Carter Page under investigation immediately. I know this is out there, but otherwise it doesn't really make sense that "Page is a PLANT" unless Q team was just wrong on which adviser was a plant. Or, He was planted by Q-Team.


It's all pure speculation and conjecture, but something to think about…

