Anonymous ID: d0403d Dec. 17, 2019, 6:43 a.m. No.7533677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why so many Democratic Candidates running for president?

Trump genuinely wanted to look into corruption involving Biden and the Ukraine but that's why he is running for president…!

Biden has been cleared of all charges by the MSM and POTUS allegations are labeled "debunked conspiracy theories".

3 words keep their base in check.

The truth is open source.

I send people articles and stories and they tell me they are too long and boring to read.

It is frustrating to see society obsessed with NON SENSE on their phones.

They pay more and more taxes each year with out questioning it.

They are complicit with wrong government polices and DO NOT attempt to fight back.

Society has lost the ability to critically think about what matters and question.

"we the people" have been methodically divided causing disputes and arguments about things that are NOT even important.

Giving away more money to the government will NOT change the weather!

There are people that would harm those that think climate change is a hoax?



Why are they mad?

Why must we comply with their demands?

Why should I pay more taxes because fraud "scientists" fudge climate data and create fake problems?

Why should I be forced to fund a women's "choice" to murder their unborn baby?

Why should I allow for a few school shootings to abolish the second amendment and take guns away from law abiding citizens?


Trust only yourself and be polite to those that want to tear you down.

We will win this fight by truth, logic, facts, and forgiveness (to those asleep)

Serious high level players will NOT be forgiven and justice will prevail!

The D base will soon find out they were lied to by the radical media mob.

These are Americans that have tough jobs…..families… issues……debt……and cannot fully devote time to research for themsleves.

They may even be seniors in high school just turning 18 before November 3, 2019

What did anons care about when they were 18?

Its hard to reject societal norms and abide by the narrative driven by the media.

Understand there are people simply asleep that will be needing our help soon!


We must assist those that have been asleep for decades.

They should be welcomed and encouraged to seek truth, trust themselves, question everything, and use logic.

Their minds have been pyschologically abused and destroyed by the corrupt MSM they trusted.

It is the only way we can move forward as a nation.

We must come together.


United, under God!

Anonymous ID: d0403d Dec. 17, 2019, 6:53 a.m. No.7533717   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"nothing to see here"

"evil will get sick of fighting"

"those once evil will assist the good"


God will take care of evil anons!