Anonymous ID: 4af718 Dec. 17, 2019, 7:07 a.m. No.7533772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4080 >>4288 >>4430


I thhink you're bang on and the obvious parallel should make this


>The Clinton Global Initiative and the Cranton Global Innitiative are at the same address.


>I'm wondering if it's the "non profit" and "for profit" sides of the Clinton scam. Similar to the scam run by Elijah Cumming's wife.




>Maya Rockeymoore Cummings’s charity, the Center for Global Policy Solutions (CGPS), which alleged that the nonprofit’s overlapping relationship with her for-profit company, Global Policy Solutions, LLC, could have derived an “illegal private benefit” for her and her husband.


>She had two businesses at the same address, one to accept govt money as a non profit, the other to then funnel that money through as income for themselves.

Anonymous ID: 4af718 Dec. 17, 2019, 7:18 a.m. No.7533838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3850


Please forward my congrats to your kid for having the guts to state his opinion. And congrats to you, too, for informing your child. That's all we can do as parents - inform according to the highest light of our knowledge.

Anonymous ID: 4af718 Dec. 17, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.7533869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3906 >>3951

Reposting from fag-end of last bread because istuff like this needs to be said and gain a wider audience.



>Transgender people need jobs too.


All so-called transgender people, excepting those who have a chromosomal abnormality at cellular level, are delusional and should be treated in the same way as anorexics - mentally disturbed and in need of help to overcome their irrational delusions.


I find it telling that true transgenders (of whom there are relatively few) much as others with genetic/chromosomal/cellular abnormalities (Down's Syndrome, for instance) are more inclined to seek help in private to overcome their disabilities than to trumpet their delusions and expect the rest of the world to accept them as normal. Genetic abnormalities (and self-defined transgenderism is not one of them) are on the increase and I have a huge amount of sympathy for those who have to live with them. But I have no truck with those who are delusional and demand their delusions are accepted and reinforced by all. What next? Are we supposed to encourage a delusional anorexic who considers herself fat when in reality she's dying of malnourishment? Should we support her delusion by actively denying her food?


When the mind ceases to acknowledge physical reality it is the mind that is sick and requires attention, not the physical body. To inflict genital mutilation because of a delusional mind is medical abuse.