Anonymous ID: 0cb48f Dec. 17, 2019, 9:07 a.m. No.7534502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4516

'End this': Republicans poised to call no witnesses during Trump impeachment trial in Senate


The Defense Rests: GOP Leaders Reportedly Considering Not Calling a Single Witness in Trump Senate Impeachment Trial


Republicans may directly acquit Trump at Senate trial, not call witnesses


Senate Republicans Push Back Against Trump's Impeachment Show Trial


Senate GOP Not Expected to Call Hunter Biden to Testify in Impeachment Trial


Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial


Graham Promises No Witnesses: "When This Comes To The Senate, I'm Going To Treat It As The Sham It Is"


Impeachment trial: Trump wants drama, but GOP wants it over


Republicans Say They May Call No Witnesses During Senate Trial


Graham says he won't call any impeachment witnesses in Senate committee: 'It's a crock'


McConnell: No new impeachment witnesses for Trump’s trial


<hur dur we don't need to go on the offensive in a meme war, inbeechmintz is part of da plan and introduze evidentz in senate!!!!!!!!!!!11

Very disappointed in /qresearch/

Anonymous ID: 0cb48f Dec. 17, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.7534667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4700 >>4705 >>4721


<of course impeachment is part of the plan.

You fucking NPCs are distorting what Q has said.

There will be no witnesses in the senate

There's no "introducing evidence" or "exposing deep state crimes".

Just Trump being impeached over complete bullshit and you're all ok with it.

It's not part of the plan to be impeached, that's so fucking stupid to even claim.

He won't be removed, but this is complete farce that will stain Trump's and our Country's record for millennia.

Anonymous ID: 0cb48f Dec. 17, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.7534720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4735 >>4748 >>4751 >>4793


>he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment

That was posted by Q when Trump had a majority in the house and senate.

He's being impeached tomorrow, and anons didn't want to do anything because they're fucking idiots and thought

<inbeechmintz iz par of da plan becuz neocons gud and introduz evidentz!!!!!!11


You're the kind of sheep Q laughs at.

It's pathetic and /qresearch/ wasn't like this a year ago.

Anonymous ID: 0cb48f Dec. 17, 2019, 9:44 a.m. No.7534777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4781 >>4796 >>4871


>this is a joke of a narrative

You retards did nothing to help Trump because you're sheep.

You do know there will be no senate trial with witnesses like Schiff, Ciaramella, Chalupa, Biden, and others, right?


I know anon. I tried to get some weaponized autism motivated to do a meme battle to pressure the moderate dems TWO FUCKING WEEKS AGO, but got nothing but NPC sheep responses about how Trump being impeached is part of The Plan (implying Q and Trump DID THIS).

It's sad. I still love /qresearch/ though.


kys clockshill, the post number was changed and Q has never confirmed nor even acknowledged your shilling

Anonymous ID: 0cb48f Dec. 17, 2019, 9:49 a.m. No.7534814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4876


>admits it's fake and gay

>continues anyway

keep coping with the fact your bullshit is the longest running shill tactic against /qresearch/


Sure, I guess I'd be an "impeachment concernfag", but two fucking weeks ago when anons had the chance to do something they acted like pathetic NPC sheep.

I'm more trying to make them realize we could've made a difference instead of being concerned.

He's not being removed anyway, but no trial to introduce evidence is ridiculous

Anonymous ID: 0cb48f Dec. 17, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.7534827   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7534805no one cares how many yous you have, you don't even want to know how many I have

megashill, you have been spamming and shilling this board for months now, maybe a year or more.

You were shilling that FAKE screenshot and calling anons clowns and masons and shills for disagreeing. THEN Q SAID IT WAS FAKE AND YOU STILL SHILLED IT

You're unironically a pathetic shill, and all anons and bakers know that, you fucking kraut.

Anonymous ID: 0cb48f Dec. 17, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.7534840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4903


Oh well, it will be over soon when the house impeaches Trump and the senate does nothing like the neocon cucks they are but doesn't remove Trump.

I'm just disappointed in /qresearch/, where is the type of weaponized autism that pushed #ReleaseTheMemo?

Anonymous ID: 0cb48f Dec. 17, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.7535028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5045

1) "But have you seen this??

This is an empty court room, and a federal protective witness who testified in many court rooms such as this one alleges that a California congressmember raped a drugged African American male child.



2) The witness is anonymously identified as JohnHereToHelp, and he said in 2017 California Rep. Adam #Schiff Schiff dressed up in drag and went to the Chateau Marmont, near The Standard Hotel, in Los Angeles.

3) A handler plied “a ten or 11-year-old African American male child” with methamphetamine, or crystal meth. The handler allegedly took the child to Schiff’s room. The black kid was unconscious. He died of an overdose. Schiff allegedly raped him for an hour,

4) thinking the black kid is just unconscious.

When Schiff discovered the child is dead “he freaks out,” the anonymous federal protective witness said.

A witness who was one door down saw everything that happened. This witness saw the crew, who was sent to clean everything up.

5) Months later, JohnHereToHelp said #Schiff had that well known witness killed. JohnHereToHelp said the room was wired. Consequently everything that happened in that hotel room was video recorded. #Schiff knows he was video recorded. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a copy

6) of the video, which is why she’s letting Schiff take the forefront on the impeachment “The video is out there,” said JohnHereToHelp “I have not seen it. I have been told by people who have seen it, what’s on it, and that’s what I’ve described, but of course, much more graphic.

7) “And then they’ve cleaned it up and they have since cleaned up that room,” he said. “[They’ve] taken everything out because they panicked and they thought this was going to be it; and they didn’t want to have any problems in the middle of the Mueller Report, because

8) the [House Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff] was one of the loudest, you know, loud mouths.“The person who was one door away, or one bungalow away, was Anthony Bourdain,” JohnHereToHelp shockingly revealed. He added that Bourdain saw everything and knows the Chateau

9) Marmont staff. #Bourdain, a celebrity chef, author and travel documentarian, wanted to expose what happened that night. He reportedly contacted the LAPD. The LAPD knew who Schiff was. On June 8, 2018, Bourdain reportedly committed suicide, in Kaysersberg-Vignoble, Haut-Rhin,

10) France. He was 61. But according to a French intelligence contact who has known JohnHereTo Help for about 30 years the French police identified “two Asian men” seen on the video leaving Bourdain’s apartment an hour before Bourdain’s body was discovered. The two men

11) on that video were Muslims. French law enforcement officials didn’t want to offend the Muslim community, so they identified the men as Asian. "I believe Bourdain actually said that he was stalked or something, harassed by Hillary Clinton’s people,” JohnHereToHelp said.

12)“It wasn’t Clinton’s, it was Schiff’s [people].” JohnHereToHelp said he has a background in the sciences. He served in the military. He later infiltrated the Islamic terrorist network post 9/11. He was passing information to Justice Department officials, but after Barack Obama

13) was elected President high-ranking federal intelligence and law enforcement officials viewed JohnHereToHelp as a threat, because Obama Administration officials enriched themselves by their associations with the terrorists. In a hard to listen video produced this past summer

14) JohnHereToHelp described how he and his wife were mercilessly tortured. JohnHereToHelp was tortured so bad (i.e., they water boarded him with liquid detergent) his respiratory and digestive systems are permanently injured. That’s why it’s hard for him to breathe and talk.

15) In that video JohnHereToHelp said former CIA Director John #Brennan laughed when it was described how JohnHereToHelp was tortured. If you open the link of that < video it now displays “This video is private.”

16) In the first 20 minutes of this < current video, (which was just recorded this past weekend and posted yesterday [November 17]), JohnHereToHelp shares his background, you’ll see that he is a credible federal protective witness. Ronald F Owens Jr

17) Interview with #JohnHereToHelp =

Like I said earlier — show the videos! I knew there were some out there — Schiff is being used and he is about USED UP!!

18) I predict #Schiff will be said to have committed suicide due to the stress of the impeachment But #Brennan & #HRC will see to it he is #Arkancided! Mark my words - it is going to be 30 days or less! Most likely over the Holidays! Suicide or a plane crash?