` ID: 23f417 Dec. 17, 2019, 9:25 a.m. No.7534635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4650 >>4680 >>4681 >>4729


Let's mirror that…

Who lives in the Naval Residence, Observatory Circle?

The street address is 1 Observatory Circle.



Naval Reconnaissance Operations Center

Think this one through

NROC gets info from satellites.

Why Naval???


Let's say you are a bad guy and you want to monitor comms between space and a ground station.

You are aware that even a laser beam is not pinpoint.

It spreads over distance.

The same goes for all radio waves.

If you can get a sensitive receiver close to a ground station then you can tap the overlap area of the signal.


What to do?

Reflect on this my mirror frens

Relay your comms through another satellite in a BETTER location.

Use a sat over a big ocean away from shipping lanes

Send a naval ship there

Use a tight beam to the ship, and follow the ship so that nobody can figure out which sats are doing the relay job.

Because nothing is near the ship, the signal is secure.


Ship to shore comms will transmit constant noise and random static, except when they are relaying important signals from the sat.

Of course, a ship is big, can house computers, analysts, etc.

So most of the comms are received, stored and analyzed.


No leaks

No metadata leaks

No spies in the bar after work

Military ops

NROC mirrors CORN


But don't let the Navy fool you

X37B can place and move small recon sats anywhere

And although dangerous and uncomfortable

X37B can fly manned missions


A Cabal bunker in the wilderness

A recon sat above, listening


All sat comms go horizontally in space

Space Force???

And the secure downlinks talk to the Navy

Who could possibly set up a system like this and operate it?

Who could afford this?

How big did you say the Pentagon's missing budget is?


We really do have it all

The Q operation of comms in plain sight is also a distraction

The Cabal thought they had other secure channels

Even their secret sats were bugged by X37B manned missions

Game Over

` ID: 23f417 Dec. 17, 2019, 9:46 a.m. No.7534789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5009



A woman doing sexual stuff with a bottle on a dance floor while two men sitting on a stage watch her.



What kind if bottle?

Liquor? What brand? When/where was it sold?


Identify the footwear on the men.

When/where was that style of clothing worn?

Is that really a v-neck T on the left guy, or just an artefact of the position/angles?

What is the image on the T of the right guy?


What is that design on the dance floor?

Is this consistent with Hawaii in the 50s, early 60s?

What about Philippines? Manila? Navy Subic Bay?


Images of people watching in the background. Can anything be picked out of the dark? Size of the room? Height of the ceiling? Style of clothing worn?


Same thing re stage.

Is that two mike stands? Audio cables? Are any identifiable instruments there?


Calling all Autists

If you know someone who is a wierdo high functioning autistic person, Aspergers, or any kind of idiot savant, get them to join the board, because these are people who can help all of us.


Google London Metropolitan Police Super Recognizers

for one case of autistic people serving the community.

Don't ever write of another human being because they are not like you.

Everyone has useful skills if we would only remove the roadblocks to let them flourish.

Remember the words of Trump…

The BEST is yet to come

` ID: 23f417 Dec. 17, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.7534822   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I love that government speak.

NGA provides the US government with information about stuff happening one earth.



So clear and concise.

But I will admit that it is far more info than you will ever learn from CNN.