Marker[1] and Marker[2] were the watch v2.
Amazing that this is seriously considered as a problem.
Patriots have no skin color????? Or is that only SOME patriots?
Either patriots have no skin color or they do.
Pick one. I'm tired of being treated as a second class fucking citizen in my country. Either be a pro-America and pro-American movement, or go join the fucking racist democrats.
Fucking joke.
Yet we're concerned about the black vote because they might revolt if Obama is indicted?
Doesn't sound like what the other guy was saying to me.
Sounds a lot more like the feelings of one race is put above justice. And that, is a travesty, because it shows the lie.
What a joke. I work for the cabal. How fucking retarded. Your discernment is just pathetic.
Being angry at two tiers of justice is the opposite of cabal. Pointing out that you're dividing people by race is opposite of cabal.
Amazing stupidity.