What is up with Keith Olbermann and dogs?
The latest Tweets from Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann). Dogs. Sports. Thurber. Politics (Retired). And whales (Jumbo-Grumbo on BoJack). ESPN Sr. Studio Anchor ('89).
“I’ve got to stay here but there’s no reason why you folks shouldn’t go out into the lobby until this thing blows over. Only in trouble at work once-continuously”
Joined April 2010
He also had a political program called the Resistance that ended in November of 2017…
And wrote Trump Is F*cking Crazy: (This Is Not a Joke) by Keith Olbermann
I strongly feel he is signaling something with the pledges for rescue dogs… but I don’t understand it fully and need help decoding.
Is it a trafficking operation?
The first 3 numbers of dog ID might be zip code location of trafficking victims.
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