Anonymous ID: 51bdcd Dec. 17, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.7541175   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Apart from today's "Marker [9]" post, we've had three other posts with "Marker [X]":

# "Marker [1] confirmed"

# "Marker [1] Set."

# "Marker [2] Set."

So once again, 1, 2 & 9.

There was also "[Marker 1 Complete]", "National Presidential Alert System [2]" and other types/mentions of "[marker]".

Seems "marker" is rather generally used by Q as an expression. Even "Marker [X]" while likely a more specific type, still appears quite cryptic to me.


Who or which event is [9]? Can only guess that it relates to 01/29, 01:29 & the whole FISA thing. As a wild guess: some "head" like Brennan or Comey maybe?