Anonymous ID: b1401b Dec. 17, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.7541249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This kind of $hit is why I left the military. No focus on the win and exit, only the desire to continue mission of selling parts and services at exorbitant prices for the defense contractors.


At one point one of my NCO's ('99)in formation told us about the total package: where we go 'there' break the other guys stuff, then strip out their stuff so we can sell them our stuff at our prices for a markup with bolts and service contracts that we control.


Fk them. I remember the day I stepped out of my barracks for the last time and tore the uniform from my chest. War sucks. War for profit is an abomination to all that is holy and just and true.


20 long years later. Thanks Q -You guys brought hope back to this GI's life. Bosnia will never be forgotten. 🇺🇸


Also: AFG fuckery. 👇🏼