Anonymous ID: 3e8b52 March 22, 2018, 7:41 a.m. No.754599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5213

seems the attention here is on the paltry fbi agents and bit players like clinton and trump while jumping for joy when stock market evaluations for tech companies dip slightly..


what are the chances the 18000+ seal indictments include the likes of rothschilds, schiffs, rockefellers, warburgs and their respective foundations……….


what about those who attend events like the bulderberg and bohemian grove…


how do you reach out the europe and get the royals and their entrenched aristocracies… can that even happen without a full blown revolution taking out their governments…


what about the secret societies all those families and groups belong to..


what about the vatican, the club of rome and the knights of malta..


does any anon here actually believe that the real power players are going to go to jail when they control every government, every institution, every aspect of human life…


from what i can gather from the events going on in the world today the plan of the elite class is going perfectly - they are sacrificing the underlings that just don't matter, in order to rush in their changes - the trade wars, political upheaval. threats of war, more of the same old games that have always worked to disguise the changes that always benefit the real enemies of humanity..


it's too bad that groups like this who could have done some good are mired in petty arguments while chasing the minions placed for them to chase.