Everyone, according to Gnostic comprehension, has both a divine male AND divine female energetic core. The purpose in my opinion is to find a comfy balance between the two, internally, while expressing what your gut emanates from your root & sacral chakras/energy vortices, externally.
I am a male, which also comes with the connotation that I could also be a father, a coach, a counselor, a den leader. I'm just a male, although I "role-play" these "male" archetypes, especially in my online interactions. Whether you are a female or not, really, is irrelevant.
However, if you are a TRUE female, and do not suppress your innate motherly compassions & unconditional love for the youth; then you should have felt no hesitation in "CHECKING UNDER YOUR CHILD'S BED FOR MONSTERS!"
We all know there aren't any monsters under their beds, but for fuck's sake, we check ANYWAY!
Why? Ask yourself!
Doesn't it feel better to have been safe rather than sorry? God forbid there was MONSTERS of EPIC PROPORTIONS under THEIR BEDS!?
Do you think anyone would've believed you at first?
How about now?