Anonymous ID: 1ab7fc Dec. 18, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.7548443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7548150 (lb)

I do not advocate violence, however, there WILL be consequences for these people, whether you want to acknowledge that or not is up to you. Judicial/extra-judicial, the future does not bode well for these fuckers. I'll bide my time until that time. I do not and will never tolerate treasonous sedition. Traitors deserve their due. I'll let the system work until it will not. Patriots are on edge over this lot. Do not dismiss their frustration. That frustration has to be dealt with. Non-acknowledgment of that is looking away from reality. I know our ship is about to come in. I know the moment of triumph is upon us. I know we will see that it was all worth the trouble & the fight, and the learning curve necessary for our society to not collapse. Arrests, indictments, remember the Federal case load of sealed items is… IS… over 80 times the normal level. Let that sink in… over 80 years worth of Federal sealed case items. That is not normal, nor is it indisputable. Even if 80% of those sealed cases are not indictments against individuals, yet merely warrants for search, seizure, or espionage…. there are still a phenomenal number of indictments, statistically speaking, waiting to be executed upon the evil people that walk this earth. Watching the rats scurry frantically, attempting to rally their demoralized base and crushing their every futile move. Consolidating our position right in their faces, tearing down the rest of the awful structure they have built here & worldwide, does give me hope. Just remember, patriots may be in control… but Patriots make up this country. Patriots do not tolerate tyranny. Patriots do not tolerate TREASON. Patriots will act, "legal" or not, against those that seek sedition against their homeland. Remember, Patriots ARE in control, against all enemies, foreign and domestic… Patriots entail more than just the MIL. Patriots ARE EVERYWHERE. There are no deals. There is NO escape. These people will get their due. PERIOD.


Make it so. The evidence is self evident. If our institutions do not act, the people will act. Do not fail us. You must avoid the consequences of inaction. Those consequences would be very tragic. Patriots will unite if our rights are continued to be infringed. We are at the breaking point. F-the shills/hive that thinks peeps will not act/should not act. We are at the precipice. Patriots are mad and WE WILL NOT submit to tyranny.

Anonymous ID: 1ab7fc Dec. 18, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.7548826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All Dems who speak ill during these proceedings must be kept track of. Fuck all of them, whether they vote to impeach, any and all who have spoken foul of our POTUS during this hearing and all those that vote to impeach. This is the evidence necessary to convict, along with other FISA info, that will put these people away for life/death.

Anonymous ID: 1ab7fc Dec. 18, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.7548923   🗄️.is 🔗kun



LOL. Eat shit. Patriots will not stand by…. IF…. the system does not work. We will wait…… for now. Failure to understand that is a denial of reality.

Anonymous ID: 1ab7fc Dec. 18, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.7548987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9001


Failure to realize Patriots will react to treason, despite your, muh-nonviolence, is a lack of perception of reality. Fuck you. If shit is not done to stop this treason….. you will be surprised. Patriots ARE in control.