Anonymous ID: 656d87 Dec. 18, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.7548409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8511 >>8598

>>7547853 pb

Look I smoke hella fucking weed and I refuse to believe for a second that a bunch of hippies putting their blunts up to the sky has anything to do with burnout junkies and hobos flinging shit at eachother like some urban zoo.

Gateway drug is the biggest load of bullshit ever cooked up.

Gateway drug -dealer- on the other hand..


Most stoners dont just randomly think oh hey you know what would go great with this ghost train haze blunt? Some meth. Ya, let's see if Jerry has any meth. Or man this gorilla glue has me so torn up and laughing til I cry might as well up the ante and just shoot up some pure opiates into my veins so i can puke all over myself and wake up in some shitty park bathroom stall.


Fwiw I have probably done and been addicted to more mind altering substances than anyone on this board so I know what I'm talking about. I would be actually pretty floored if anyone even came close.


Did a vial of acid in 2 weeks exactly over the summer, and that was just those 2 weeks, and sprinkled with all sorts of other fun goodies and hallucinogens. And it was some fantastic shit.


And none of us ever turned into street urchin junkie walking dead wasteland downtown honolulu tweaked out or junkie fucktards.


Good drugs are great.

Bad drugs are terrible.


The likes of each are drawn to each and further exacerbate whichever extremes are applicable, good or bad.


If it was up to me you would be able to walk in buy a nice juicy hash oil filled blunt, some fungus, DMT, and a teeny tiny dollar store squirt gun pistol full of 70s level crystal clean LSD.


Also if anyone has never swam with dozens of baby black tip reef sharks while tripping mad face on fantastic acid in the Caribbean I highly reccomend bucket listing that one.


Epicly life changing shit for real. Man…

Anonymous ID: 656d87 Dec. 18, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.7548607   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Amen. Double Amen. Way more to it all then just your mind throwing out random shit in response to being "poisoned" or however they try to spin it mainstream.


Those animals knew We were on a whole other level they could really tell yo I swear. They can tell.

Man makes me wanna go hug a tree feel a crazy colored rock cliff breathe over me and taste the rainbow all over again.


I'm really not kidding acid should 100% be legal. And yesterday. One of the most incredible spiritual and connecting experiences of my life. Buddy said the same thing. Kek I was even on the board some points talking and watching letters dance around the screen.


Anddd if the shit was legal I would be scoring some right now.